The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

Kilp Wants! 25 Buraaus 28, HELP WANTED Friday. May 12, 1972 THE JOURNAL HERALD 49 DAYTON, OHIO Call EXPERIENCED painter only, otter p.m. 2S3-7S43. SALES Experisnccd) 36 (No Investment unless stated) Manaqement Recruiters FURNITIIRP WACPuniicc i 5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INDEX A ready reference to the service you need. Personnel Secretary furniture.

27M714 from noon 2 p.m. right Personnel Director. DISTRICT SUPERVISOR Domestic I puiO WWIITJ. (Minimum of i years merchandising experience In linens, domestics, and Bore Miiner, itr stop in NATIONAL Employment, 4 S. Main FINANCIAL mere nrvwfc raniiirAH Trritnu CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS Monday Thru Friday 8 a.m.

to 4 p.m. Saturday (cancel and correct only 8 a.m. to 12 Noon. Call 223-1818 Death Notices accepted Saturday ard Sunday 3 to 4:30 p.m. 224-9561 FIRST CLASS TOOL MAKERS TOP AREA RATES And Fringe Benefits ST.

MARY'S TOOL eludes stores, cor and travel epen-Sales minded, mature, likes variety, ses allowed. Must olso have ability to choiienoe. potential Call Mr. i train store personnel Forward redrew 29-7291 Snelling It Snelling sumes complete confidence to Box 1 363 E. Dorothy Lone .3059, Dayton Newspapers, Inc.

Technical Work Wonted Business Oppottunities Business Opa. Wanted Money to Loon Pawn Loons Real Estate Leans Wonted Te Borrow 16t ll 162 le 167 16 ANNOUNCEMENTS Deaths Coid of Thanks i In Memoriam 3 Floweis 4 Funetol Directors Cemetery Lots, Monuments Societies and Ledjes 19 Tronjooi laiion ft Lest ond Found 12 Personals 14 Siwciol Notices IS Inrome Tix, Accounting 16 Child Cote 17 Paramount Personnel DISTRIBUTOR ol notionallv odvei- rwjwn beauty supply prodii'ls has open- 315 TABLOTT TOWER DIE INC. SECRETARY, good skills, experience Oojs, Cats, Birds, Misc. fO Garden ft lan Supplies 64 Miscellaneous For Sale 65 Excellent ODDortunitv aeraii worn, oavs -s. Benefits FLORAL AV.

I RACE DR. TROY. 0. 222.9312 $477. Call Borb Rvan 879-9711 W.linn fnr thm mum.h, -I- Full- time DOGS mature sales clerks, one Sntlin9 S.

Central, Foirborn. I get ahead In lift. Join a young real downtown and one nt soiem Mall. 1 STROBHAR ASSOCIATES estate company on the move. With Apply In person at 33 E.

KUBOTA roc tors and Eaulpment 17 GARAGE sate. Little bit of everything, to 26 HP. new ond used. Perfect for aoohouses. 4701 Arcadia Blvd.

Thurs-mowing, plowing, tilling, loading, etc 8-6 m. Lease Equipment 541 Wagner Avi Greenville. O. 1-513-548-1319. GARAGE Sale, moving, tools.

1st St. I 'til 294-1413 2600 Far Hills professional office in Huber PEKINGESE ond PEKE-A-POOS Poodles. AKC. 275-3997 5 P.m. VlCki'S Uniform ntrt.

in: Anta i 1 11 Mainhtc Training offer your licensed. Equal Opportunity Employer. mtls. or parts expr. North, call Bruce Schloden 233-4400.

ciomino. tisnmg gear, guns. 3M t. ciomino. fishing gear, i PEKINGESE AKC, 2 moles.

wksiSPRiNr-FFiifnTTup sales, executive South, call John Rvne 2984)161. old, all shots, papers, champion bred. I nrr- i.noic t. 9 o.m.-8 p.m. e.

MARK IV REALTY CO. ecrerornes Program Coord GARAGE Sole; corner Queens-W. Riv- REAL ESTATE Brokers Real Estate Real Estate Approisol Mortgaaes-Sell wtd. Bus. Factory, Bidgs.

Property Sites. Sole. Loose Wonted to Lease or Buy Misc. Real Estate Farms end Land for Sale Residence Pioperty, Sale Exchange Real Estate lnves.ient Property Investment Prop. Wanted Building and Financing Lots ond Acreage Resorts, Cottages, Lots Suburban Property, Sale Out-Of-Town Property Out-Of-Stote Property Wanted Real Estate AUCTION'S lerview, Greenwich Villaae.

Fri-Sun. PEKINGESE. AKC mole, 4 S40. Coll 299-7528 otter 4 p.m. suKtRVisOR, furniture experience EXPERIENCED Real Estate People help ut.

Salary open. Leonard Handle your own deals ond collect Miscellaneous For Sale ES GARAGE Sale; 1312 Willowdale off GENERAL SUMMER RESORT WORK OU-EGEJIAJDENTS. 275-3W GENERAL OFFICE Typing, accurate with figures. Excel- "Non with fringe benefits. Prefer married.

SINVALCO LITHO PRODUCTS 100 Scholi Vandal ia 398-3906 Assoc. 223-7139. all commissions bv novlnn broker EMPLOYMENT Help Wonted- 2s Temporary Work 26 Employment Bureaus 21 Employment Service 30 Help Wanted Investment! 32 Sues and Service 34 (No Investment unless stated) Sales (Experienced) 36 (No Investment unless stated) Help Wtd. Announcements 3S Employment Wanted 40 Laundry Service 42 EDUCATIONAL Instruction Courses 4t small fee per month. Call FAR HILLS REALTY 885-7627.

PEKINGESE, 2 female. 1 male, S35 ANTiquES, glassware household fur- each or best offer 837-3050. jUSSSj GARAGE saw: 620 Haldeman St. SIBERIAN HUSKY (3) AKC regis- Kettering, 4001 Meodowcrott Rd. i Brondt Pike.

Household goods, misc. tered 1 male, 2 females 864-1167. at Stroop, I block E. of Marshall. Sot- 9 to 7 p.m.

SEARCH GROUP The Peolpe Professionals 1360 Winters Tower 223-4677 GARAGE Sale, 5828 Fishbura 10 6. Antiques, tools, misc. (MISCELLANEOUS CONT) Store Fixtures 77 Plumbing and Hauling 71 Air Conditioning 79 Machinery. Tools, Mfts. 10 Mochine Shop Work II Coal.

co*ke. Wood 82 Camerjs, Suprne 15 Sooiting Eguipinent 86 Boats A Moists 17 Hoooies 88 Corns ond Stomps Bicycles 09 Antmues, Collectors Items Baby Needs 2 Wtoting Apparel 93 Jeweiry tnd YMrhes 94 Pianos, Musical Supplies 95 Television Radios 99 Household Goods 100 Homes ICS Mobile Homes Rent 106 Mobile Home Access. 107 Mobile Homes Wto. lot Mobile Trailer, Camper Seivlce 109 Travel Trailers-Campers 110 Trailers, Conoeis, Rent US Trailer Accessories H6 Trollets-Cnmners Wtd. 117 Trailer Porks-Campsites til ROOM RENTALS Sleeping Rooms.

Boord 128 Sleeping Rooms 121 Hoisokuenin't Acoitmrpts 123 Nursln-j-Rest Homes 124 Wanted To Rent Rooms 128 Hotels-Motels 130 Furniture Rental 131 R.E. RENTALS Duplets, Unfurn. 13J Ojplexes, Furn. 136 Apt Houses to Shore 137 Houses, Unfurnished 138 Houses, Furnished 139 Suburban Out-of-Town 140 O'it-01 Stole. Rent 141 Vantcd to Rrnt Cottaqes Roso'ts 146 Bus.

Property, Storeroom! 147 Property Management 148 Rental Agencies 150 Office end Desk Room 151 Rec. Facilities, Rent 152 Garoies, Rent, Wanted 155 Rental Notices 156 BIG BOY TOMATOES Potted in peat pots for $1. Doyton Gorden Ctru 1915 Troy SIBERIAN huskies, AKC, black ond white, must see, reosonobie, 275-5520. SAMOYED, 6 mos. male, sno.

house-broken, oil shots. 434-7632 otter 6. GARAGE SALE, antiques, tools and 1908 Patterson Rd. ST. BERNARD, 1 yrTmole, all JJ'fl tP lMJJJ m-shots.

V.00. call 254-2534 offer 5 p.m. Alo9lLeoJti.Jj.r3ayton. Auction Sales. Auctioneers 20S GARAGE sale: clothina, tooks, gomes, sewlna machine, projector, 2 gold chairs.

Misc. Items. Frl Sot. GRANTS NEED MAJOR APPLIANCE HOME ENTERTAINMENT SALES PERSON Get benefits you know you deserve with fost-qrowing Grants. Top earnings, liberol benefits.

Some experience field needed. We are an equal opportunity employer APPLY TODAY W. T. GRANT CO! 1122 Kauffman Skyway Plaza Foirborn ST BFOuiunc Airr rkm ana umkmuc sale, an-BERNARDS, AKC, Champ Sired, au. Drimitlies.

hrn GENERAL Office Must have 5 years experelnce, typing, filing, billing etc. Write box 2769, Dayton Newspapers Inc. GAL FRIDAYT Varied office help, typing essential graphics and A-v ietpfut, must be enerqetlc. ond seeking opportunities, Write Butler Asso-ciotes 1325 W. Dorothy Lone4S409.

GALAX IE CLUB Needs 3 new experienced dancers. Salary open to right individual, 820 Linden Av. Ph. tar oppt. 153-0630.

47 Doleridae Centervipe SERVICE REPAIRS SERVICE REPAIRS 50 10 wks. old. ww ircu, si'u'b. new telephones, blanket chest, cioo-iGARagf tnie- in fnmiiiK. nil tinrfc 1 tn i nart I SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST $425 fate a few letters from President as well as fill front-desk spot! Profit-sharing just one of the extras! Downtown.

HUGHES PERSONNEL 4 S. Main 222-3400 'UT. new UUWIWI H-UM, rette machine, dinner bell, cash reais-(M micr rAhhiin. ci re 211 212 ST RPDNADn 1 mil Old. ngnming ruos, misc.

i nurs. inru GARAGE SALE, household items. friendly, house broke, all shots. loves! Sun. 214 W.

Falrview Av. FARMER'S MARKET FARMER'S MARKET SS toys, Misc. 342 Winnlmoc Englewood. must sell in nt nth i. tun uth children, reasonable.

233-2637. BIG goraae sale; movlna, lots ot everything. Fri, wood, off Salem Av. ST. BERNARD pups; 6 mos.

old, AKC, S90. 836-1675. $ot-M GARAGE sale; 8 families, SatT lfLB rinlKc ui. -I lul ST. BERNARDS chomp sired, 3 BAsem*nT sale; May 12, 13.

Clothes, iRenslor Av. behind' Eastown. 8 female. Ready mid-June for 9-6. 1357 Creighton.

PETS Doas, Cats, Blids, Fish, Supplies 61 Pets, Tropical Fish Wtd. 62 GARAGE SALE, clothina, household i sALfc, sot. clothing, items, and misc. Above overoge. Sat.

uwns, smaii gins oirb, ooas ana enos. a.m.- D.m.. Sun. 12-4 33 AIRPLANES Alrcraft-Sales-Wanted Alrcroft Service Aircraft Training AUTOMOTIVE Goraoe Equipment Heavy Equipment Motors, Parts, Repairing Auto Pointing, Wrnhmg Tires, Accessories Wtd. Tires, Accessories Votor cycles-Scooters A'jto, Truck Financing Wonted Autos Tiucks Exchange Auto, Truck Trucks, Trailers, Bodies Autos-Trucks to Rent Automobiles For 5uit Sports Foreign Cars Soles, Service, Paits Antlq'e C'l05tie Cars Ajto Miscellaneous Automobile Assn.

GROUND floor opportunity, immediate earnings, gross possibilities, local distributor needs ambitious, hard worker for sales. Must be available May 15, training furnished, up to 112,000 commission first yr. Coll Mr. Cunningham, Ramada Inn, 890-9504 noon Thurs. to noon Fri.

Reserve now. 256-6262. ui ouver av. i Cherrvwood. off E.

Third. Where better lobs ore being born. BETTER EMPLOYMENT INC. Alice Storck 222-4955, 224-8578 ST. BERNARD pups, AKC, no reasonable offer refused.

434-557S. BIG FAMILY SALE, tovs, kitchen-i GARAGE SALF, old bottles, misc. wore, good clothes, furniture, tools and clothes. 3832 Fulton Av. 8-5.

21S 216 217 2' 8 220 221 222 22S 230 23i 232 233 5J7 231 24 ST. BERNARDS, AKC. 2 females. 16 and misc. ana GARAGE Shiioh Or, ond 9 old, 2 males, 4 and yrs.0.m.

504 Sun 1-7. 4999 Sweetteof. INTERESTING-AND VARIED OFFICE WORK Immediate opening In pleasant oir-condltloned office, downtown location, involving typing, clerlcol and customer relations (not sales) an the phone. Unusual benefits, starting salary commensurate with experience. CALL 224-9901 From 9 A.M.

to 1 1 A.M. Only oia. raven, bdz-ojsi. J2b GRANTS NEED FURNITURE DEPT. MISCELLANEOUS Garden Lown Supplies (4 Miscellaneous For Sale 65 Miscellaneous For Rent, 66 Miscellaneous, Trade Miscellaneous Wanted 61 OutOf-Trcde Area Sales ond Service 69 HELP WANTED Sales and Service 34, (No unless stated) I ST.

BERNA 1 BACK Door Basem*nt Sale, Cr fz; ciln URDS, AKC, Ch. sired. 4 1 proiector, rot Iss, )mfL Vl 848-29. litems. Wed.

Thurs. Fri. jwi-u, M. J'- Lone pets, reasonable, easonable, SALES PERSON II HM DA ST. BERNARDS, 3 beautiful moles, 7 1 GARAGE Sale bnbv ItTms furniture.

wks. old, all shots and papers. Cham- BAsem*nT soie: items rom 3 stove, misc. Northrldqe 4840 275-5794, Building Material, Bldgs.

75 Arki uikiTr i i05' browing retail chain offers top AVON WANTS YOU benefits, commissions. Some you wont to make extra' money. If nce needed in the furniture and home pion bred, $135 ea. 837-4815. homes.

Items added each day. 76 Otfico Equipment Lauaeraaie ur. rvu ii people, if vcu can snare uum Woodland Hills Blvd. Fri-Sat. GARAGE SALE 2113 Horvard Sot.

9-5. household, toys, clothing. GARAGE Sole, misc. household items. SCHANUZER, miniature pups, excel-lent bloodline, AKC.

$100. 426-8199. ruNAII7PQ. AkfT minifttnr min- We are an equal CHEST, dresser, roll-a way bed, cor top luggage carrier. 293-3071.

Dial Qassified Direct 223-1515 pies. Stud service 866-2669 otter 4. COLLECTORS Items. Antiques and Truiimure, uiwii uuur i-j, oui. tvn.

opportunity employer APPLY TODAY W. T. GRANT CO. 1122 Kauffman Skyway Plaza Fairborn jClosed Wed. 519 Xenia Ave.

SCHNAUZER minioture pups, males, shots, champ, sired. 275-7317. MODERN OFFICE I toys, like new, Includes "65 Ford LTD land '66 Volkswagen, Sat. and 1 6203 Weybrldge Dr. 9-4.

GARAGE Sale; 1515 McLain St. Fri Sun. 9 until dork. Employment Wanted 40 Dogs, Cats, Birds, Miso. 60 Dogs, Cats, Birds, Misc.

DOGHOUSES PLAYHOUSES HAMMY'S 2637 Volley St 233-7882 AKC, 0U SCHNAUZER, miniature pups, champ blood line. 228-1983. of your free hours selling our famous product. It's easy-ond fun! North Dayton, Forest Park, Volley Pike orea, Butler Northridge, 890-3970; Short Hills, Washington Oak-wood, 277-977; Dayton View, River-dale, Residence Park, Westwood, 278-6901, Randolph Upper River-dole, 5th and Brown orea. Lower East Dayton, Park Side Homes, Cornell, N.

Gettysburg area, 253-4051; Southpark, Belmont, Jefferson Southwest Doyton, 426-8821. S10 Investment for order taking privilege. S3.50 first WORK INSURANCE AGENTS i WOMAN wants day work, $15 per day 2 agents to enroll union members In a plus car fare. Call 276-5619. CATS DOCS ESTATE Sale, 6 rooms of furnishings, Priced to sell.

Open 9 till 5, MAY 13th. 102 Wyoming St. SCHANUZERS miniatures, AKC Reg. Chomp pedigree. $100.

l-42-3301: union sponsored program. Be able to 1 SEALPOINT Siamese kittens, 4 GERMAN Shepherd, spayed, watch, SCOTT IE PUPPIES, block, AKC, $75. get along well with people. Willing to Inttructiail Cniirtst 48 work for onood Inrnm. Nnrn.rt.l''SirUeil0n bOllDCl qg W.

3rd. St. New Lebanon, 1-687-2215. II wks. old.

$1 0 ea. 256-0008. dog for Industry or home 1-372-2990 GARAGE Sale, 6 family. Misc. furniture, tools, some ontlques, Tues.

9th 002249 Newgate Av. off Woodbine; GARAGE SALE, May 12, 13; 5775 Pondview Dr. In Oak Creek off Overbrook. GARAGE Sell out, moving. Fri.

471 Wlllowhurst, Centervllle. ing. loii Z52-VIH. EARLY TOMATO PLANTS CABBAGE, ASPARAGUS RHUBARB N. Doyton Garden Ctr 1915 Troy EXERCISE Bicycle $35.

Good condition, 294-1929 AILmhJ.enl?'.',sy'd',h,i,,re,iGERMAN Shepherds, 2 full, $40 1 to good home. 461-193). mixed $20, good homes. 256-3163. KITTENS FREE TO GOOD HOME.

rcp.u WKS. Call 277-0125. (GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, AKC, SHETLAND Sheep Dogs. (Miniature collies), 3 female, 6 wks. 293-5045.

SHETLANO, sheep dog, puppy, AKC, sable ond white. 1-675-2549. Local new car dealer needs Individual experienced In general bookkeeping AND also an experienced title clerk. 0 Excellent conditions 0 Paid vacation 0 Insurance a Retirement 0 Other Benefits a very Good Pay Apply In person to Mr. Vaughn at 864 N.

Main St. BETWEEN 9 and 5. 11 puppy snots, m-4yj. A CHANCE to ease your after tox oalns, several positions to choose from. Phone 252 3052.

5-9. KITTENS, black, or black ond white. SHELTIES. 2 moles, AKC. 1-trl ond 1 FABULOUS GARAGE SALE, May 12-13, 50 Pomeroy Av, 10 'til dark.

GARAGE SALE, 12th and 13th. Take Dayton-Xenla Rd. left on Hanes Rd, left to 3055 Morning View Dr. some long haired. Affectionate, young 1 GERMAN Shepherd pups.

7 wks. $10; Iblue, 6 weeks. 236-2130. INDUSTRIAL LUBRICATION SALESPEOPLE Immediate openings in this area for industrial librlcotlon sales-people. No experience necessary, special training given.

Must have late model car. pan Siamese maie, neeas new nome. 9 125. Black-tan. 8J5-5297.

SHELTIES, AKC (miniature collie,) 1 CAREER POSITION AVAILABLE CALL 278-6052, 9 to 3. An equal opportunity employer 24-3642 eves, or weekends. FOLD down ccmplng trailer, Olympia typewriter, excellent, 2 burner camp stove, old anvil, 256-0990. ACT NOW! GO WITH THE BIG NAME RYDER Troin to be 0 Diesel Tractor Trailer Driver VA Approved 228-8395 GREER TECHNICAL INSTITUTE A RYDER SCHOOL 210 Grant-Deneau Tower, Dayton, O. Reg.

No. 712-008HT Puns. akc. trl-female, sable and white male ond GERMAN SHFPHFPri GARAGE SALE Sat. May 13, 9 a.m.

242 Lonsdale Ave. males $50, females $40 aood blood- female. Healthy. 835-5580. KITTENS, FREE TO GOOD HOME.

276-4829 lines. 263-4457; 263-1305. ISHELTIES, AKC, 6 WKS. LOVELY! GARAGE Sale, 7 families, Belmont, CLOSERS, needed to present our music program. Can earn up to $150 GARAGE Sale, Sat.

-Sun. 41 Maverick Dr. rear of Page Manor Theater. 14412 Woodcl*tf, ll-12-13th. 9-6 p.m.

MALE AND FEMALES 426-9324. ll.Ea1l5.878.TENS rM 900d GERMAN Shepherd puppies, 5 wk. old working 3 to 4 hours In the evening. Unusually high income, commissions ond bonuses. Good working conditions.

An opportunity to train for a Division Manager position. For per TERRIERS, Airedale, AKC, 2 GARAGE soie; May 11 thru 14, furniture, clothina, fireplace, misc. 7B70 $20. Kettering. 298-7901.

GARAGE SALE several families, 9-4 1 Sot. only, 301 Hlgnlond Terrace, north jupruAwifAi i ikiri iwcn aii appointments are furnished, call for appt. on DOGS 'ot w. dovio Kettering. person to work for small firm, high 298-8051, 3:30 tp 9 p.m, school education required.

Apply In. Sat. coll 9 til 5. sonal interview air mail qualification, GERMAN Shepherd, Ar yr. snors, reosoname.

old, good breeder, good WIRE haired terrier, 3 yr. old male, Yours for price of ad. 426-6543 eve. iS50. Call 233-8836.

GARAGE Sale, everything, 5601 Anne person a.m. to 3 p.m. I do YOU want a good full time ob? name, address, phone number to Herb Lane, May 13, 8-i. Johnson, Dept. 5W3, Box 392, Dallas, AFGHAN, mole, 6 cream, black mask.

$200. 223-7930. I WEST HIGHLAND White Terriers, .4 t-aM 4-0222. Lor necessary, Horshmanvllle Rd. GARAGE SALE, car, furniture, new and used Items, clothing, misc.

Fri. thru Sun. 1113 Demphle Ave. GARAGE SALE, 216 Fernwood 10-7, books, chairs, cameras, foreign coins, misc. GERMAN SheDherds sired bv chamo.

GARAGE sale, Texas 75221. ncaiDunu 91., urn I un, AKC, moles, 9 wks. 845-9631. baby clothes, Tupper-misc. Frl-Sat, 9-6 1610 EXPERIENCED telephone sales, con lood bloodlines.

12mo good quality. $40. 263-5215. ACME ASSOCIATE SCHOOL PROGRESS TECH COPE SYTEM TOOL-OIE-PLASTIC MOLD Start any Monday. Hours to fit your schedule.

Approved for Veterans. ware, clothing, BASSETS; 2 females, 7 ond 10 mos. old. 866-9 WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER Bouer Ave "Vtacting new ond old customers. Apply Jackson.

40 S. Patterson Blvd. S4oner 00n Mm, studio, 4323 N. '84 eves. I GERMAN SHEPHERD, females, Reg Stud PUPPIES, AKC.

278-7132. reasonable. BASSETT Hound. AKC. 4 exceM0 watcnaogs, I GARAGE SALE, Moy 12 thru 14, p.m.

Mon. thiu Fri. Main Forest Park Plaza. GARAGE sale, Meadowdale, 3961 Fair- YORKSHIRE Terrier. Tinv Toy, obe-i excellent auolltv male, shots, 190-5078.

iservice. 848-2675. clothing, baby to adults, Til DM rinuln. AS A lent OUOI lent dlence Iro ned. Mole, IVj yr.

Cost $300, 1 bedroom suite, baby furniture, toys. smith off Honey Rd. May 11-12-13, 10 setter, beautiful, pure bred. Ohio 71-O2-O061T' Ph. 859-3611 BASSETT pups AKC Chomp, blood-' jR'SH WffLemeN your witni EXPERIENCED telephone personnel, pleasant part time work.

Exoer. mnmum jCnu, amateut baseball umpire- needed, but 'rnl, 904.71 ti sell $150. 885-5481 eves. books, misc. 4486 Marlowe it, til 6.

Refrigerator, oaby neeas, toyv INSURANCE SALES We are arowlna In Springfield and In uayton and need additional Sales Representatives. Start up to $175 per week, guaranteed with all fringe bene-lits. First year earn up to $15,000 ond more. Established Springfield and Dayton debits available or we will help you build one. Management op-lortunities.

253-7650. lines, oediaree, shots. 3 moles, 6 fe- AKC male, yrs. 426-7155. All items cheap.

12, 13lmisc males. 317-962-2952 Richmond, Ind. SETTER, puppies, beautiful. YORKSHlKfc Kyppy, temaie, i mo. will train.

IRISH Call Mr. Marr, 836 311, GARAGE SALE MAY i 312 EARNSHAW DR. GARAGE SALE. Baby furniture, toys, p.m. BASSET Hound, female, AKC, 7 AKC, papers, good for huntingjAHl eg.

fu-afz. old. $50. Coll 228-0919. pets.

1-746-8480. YORKIE Puppies, $75 ond up aso'r-AOArc OilA- Um llUnm clothing, art works. 6305 hoi- A Career As a Professional Semi Truck Driver We Train Tractor-Trailer Drivers. Write or Coll: United Systems, 1004 Galnsborouah Dayton O. BAKCT ruint A 1 nnnlilu I I IsH ttrt.

II thnn Maltese, Oxford, O. 1-523-6744. I Antiques ond conectooies, neisey, cor-" t-p-" 1 nival, pottery, 010 oiass wore, turni ture, misc. 277 Purcell Xenia, 0, female. Adorable.

885-7519. York's pups, excellent background. GEM CITY DOG OBEDIENCE BOXER AKC MALE i YRS OLD 6 P-m- M-0085. New location Fairground Coliseum GARAGE Sale, 3 families, Wood lathe, lg saw, 2 large storina trunks, children clothes, misc. 1252 Holly Av.

HOSTESSES Needed for public relations work. We or looking for an cttroctlve person with a great personality. Earn good money and have a good time doing It. Part time to start. Personal Interview only from 1-4 p.m.

HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE 1410 KNOTT BLDG. 40 S. MAIN ST. 45419 513) 299-3050. Licensed.

Class starts May 1). 837-4713 'Off Fairgrounds Kd. CALL 236-4231 i IRISH Setters, AKC, permanent shots SALE, lots of aood clean; Thurs. thru LARGE PUP, GIVE TO FARM akawc BOXER, AKC 2 yrs old, female, loves jar munogony, j-wjj, wy-iiji. thru 411 Nordolel GARAGE Salt- Avon, clothing, misc.

1 at-Tf-wifM uwuin, rir ME. CA ri cniiaren, 4J4-646 Irish seners, 0 reasona-1 r2i.i:'!hL,ii'i'-'jLCi nntiaue wall telephone. Iron-11779 Wnterburv Kettering. WANT TO START A KENNEL? ble. Call 426-1118, 5 p.m.-9 p.m.

Stone DOWI ana pncner, oiu ice uvx, GARAGE SALE, antiaues, appliances, Be a Heavy Equipment Operator Professional True Driver Ohio Training site 45 minutes from Dayton. Approved for training veterans 294-2435 AL-WIN TRAINING INC. other small ontigues, elec dryer, A-l I tools, 7 HP outboard motor, bicycles. LHASA APSO PUPPIES 2364503 BRITTANY Spaniel pups, AKC (2) top field quolity, very birdy. 890-5985.

BRITTANY SPANIEL, AKC, female, )1 wks. Show or Hunt 433-3965. I hove Brussel Griffons. AKC. If Interested, coll me.

298-5145; GARAGE Sale. 107S E. National Rd, power mowers, old clocks, gar. door. a a 1 1 baby clothing-furniture, opener, lamps, sewina machine, furni NORWEGIAN Elkhound nuns.

AKC, NEED 3 PEOPLE WHO WILL WORK WITH ME TO HELP MY DISTRICT GROW Multimlllion dollar Corporation No experience necessary Newest training methods All fringe benefits $800 PER MONTH GUARANTEED IF YOU MEET OUR REQUIREMENTS For Interview call 298-5857 GROOMING knick-knacks, dishes. 9-5. HELP NEEDED FULL or PARTTIME 276-4622 Rainbow Factory Direct Inc. IF YOU want a good parftimeob: Coll 224-0222 Car necessory. ture, misc.

inurs a.m.-o TaIUs Dunniae PM waynesvme, i-hvmid. SEARS SALEM MALL HAS THE FOLLOWING FULL TIME OPENINGS EXPERIENCED DISPLAY PERSON FURNITURE 1 I Will. Room 101 uiA.klMn CmHUh Mnatlrw. fll Fnntlth theenrlnnt 9-J mn rn. p.m.

1 Baker Ct Trotwood, GARAGE Sale, 6806 Packingham Dr. Northmoor. Fri. Sat. 10-6.

Clothing. 1377 E. Stroop Rd. Dayton, O. 45429 Reg.

0218Hjwks ols jj ea. 1-486-4061. isonable, stud service, 836-7430. All breeds and Trimming LORRAINE'S PET SALON 254-6094 Egst, Belmont, Kettering GARAGE Sole, Thurs. Fri.

Sat. 10-8 p.m., 3598 Waterbury Dr. misc. GARAGE SALE Washington Twp.j FIRST CLASS radio license In 4, BORDER COLLIE, Obedient, wants! POODLES, miniature, apricot, male, 3 months. Veterans approved.

Interna-. hnm 971.2127 Imos. AKC. $40. 834-1603.

clothes-baby qual-1 GARAGE Sale, glassware, clothes, deity. Fri. Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 6508 presslon glass, Rosevllle ond misc.

Tropical Fish, Supplies 61 tionai Broaocasting, Keg. inM-jm. 1212 E. Stroop Rd. 294-1486 f'M $25.

POODLES, AKC, black, silver Mini-toys, 7 lovable. 635-5297. imperial wooas no, 4jj-isii. and 9-8. 80 Brook- Chomp sired, shots 148-2414.

GIGANTIC patio sale, Sat-Sun. SwBihaven Dr. Trotwood. POODLE Pups, AKC, Sassafras, sll- GREEN Tuxedo Swords, marvle mollies. 6 for Si, block mollies, 2 for $1, CHINESE PUG pups, 7 AKC, mole ond femole, $75.

223-7394. Rowlings Dr. 256-7711. NEW CLASS starting June 1 for Broadcasters, VA approved. International Broadcasting, Reg.

004-3HT, 1212 E. Stroop Rd. 294-1486 ver, tiny toys. Grooming 866-1 722. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Sales and Management Positions NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY COMPANY PAID TRAINING $650 monthly salary and up.

Call for appL til ip.m. 898-3975 IF YOU would enjoy a good pay check, being in your home and tele- rt i cc tau litver hatchets. 2 for $1, red paradise, KNOCKING YOURSELF OUT On a lob that's not paying off GARAGE Sale; 1470 Cobblestone, old dishes, ond furniture. Misc. co*ckER Spaniel pups, AKC blond males, 6 wks.

1-322-2859. HELP WANTED HES 36 (No Investment unless stated! lease. Bred females for salt. Stud 2 for SI, zebras, 2 for $1, 10 ggl. all service, 3 colors.

848-2675. gloss oquarium, $6.99, 10 aal. com PROFESSIONAL WAY SCHOOL OF blonde, for stud WIG STYLING asses starting co*ckER Spaniel, service, 233-6231. old. plete setup, SJH.Y3, now wo.yj.

u-wood Pel Shoo, 2023 Salem Ave. 278- every 2 weeks. Days or eves. 293-5543. POODLES, AKC, Toys 8 wks.

Black and Parti colors 233-9974. HELP WANTED WES (Experienced) 36 (No Investment unless stated) 1)11 BmI AAnv IV 1 phoning our prospective customers. Continental Portraits, 228-1368, 10-4. POODLES, AKC PUPPIES. COLORS.

co*ckER SPANIEL, Blond, 1 yr. shots 222-6039 After 4:30 P.M. co*ckERS, blonde, AKC 6 weeks (run money or personal satisiaction? Join out company where there is plenty of room for growth. Must be adult. Must hove car, desire to help people, be career minded, money motivated, tan earn up to and over $10,000 per year.

We troin. Learning permit required. Ideal ciportunlty for riant person. Call 222-8668 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., Men, Thurs.

ond Sot. 9-1 Ask for Garden I Lawn Supplies 84 POODLES: AKC Tovs. White male. old, wormed. 293-1987.

WORRIED ABOUT LAYOFFS? LEARN A HIGH PAYING SKILL GO IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING REFRIGERATION For beginners. Attend 2 classes a week for only 20 weeks. Enrollment deadline May 15. Veterans acrepted. COLOR TV SERVICING $100 ea.

837-1310. I NEED A Person to help me as Sales and Service Manager. Must have oood appearance ond personality, bondable. Can earn up to $218 week commission. Call Mr.

Cunningham, Ramada Inn, 890-9504 noon Thurs. to noon Friday. CHIHUAHUAS, white, 6 wks old, beau- i I AIRENS 6horsepower riding ti(i riti y' hmi?" $250. 433-9992.

mower, $250, 433-9992. 1.1 tr. nnu 111.IOCA BOLENS 12 hp. rldina mower attach- CHIHUAHUA pup, AKC male, rwuLC wui, iut wnne, uiuci a cittvi manager. chocolate color, $40.

228-8493. i. i. nimis mtrai, B-i, n. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS LOOKING FOR A JOB, HOME' MAKER? If you hove use of car call, 228-4046 or 263-7209 BRlGGS STRATT0N POWER for beginners.

Attend only 2 classes a COLLIE PUPS, 64 wks. old, Ft txrTX ub Hllm 890 454. POODLES, AKC 2-5 week. Enrollment deadline May 15. 2 femoles, 1 white, DACHSHUND, AKC, 1 Vr.

Old minio- ten 1- Approved for training ol eligible veter PLUMBING AND HEATING FINE BENEFIT PROGRAM AND Opportunity For Advancement Apply Personnel Dept. SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. 5200 SALEM AV. An Equal Opportunity Employer GARDEN LAWN TOOLS RENTED Life Insurance Agent If you think you can make It in the life Insurance business but you are hampered by a compensation program that does not satisfy your needs. Call MANAGERS and Distributors, wanted.

$10.50 investment for kit. Opportunity unlimited. 88-8285. ture femole, red, $50. 166-3297.

IgFgWVs-T ans. BOB 5, 625 Brown, iLi-im ROUTE SALES National company delivering and selling food products to restaurant and hotels Is Interviewing for route sales. Established route, good future, good fringe benefits. Call 223-9192 between 4 and 6 p.m. for confidential Interview Ask for Mr.

VanDerWide VOLKSWAGEN SALESPEOPLE NEEDED by Dayton's oldest VW dealer. We will provide training, using proven training materials and methods. Excellent opportunity tor the riaht mon who wants top earnings, excellent working conditions and generous company benefits. Join the Volkswagen team, selling the world's most advanced economy cor. Phone DON ABERG, 224-901 for on appointment to make your application.

MOTOR IMPORTS, INC. 431 WAYNE AVE. "DACHSHUNDS, AKC Fe ma AKC beautiful male and POWER LAWN mowers, $15 and up. nnd mnhoaanv, Chamo stock, 7 Wks. a -i 1 71 a.

it icia NORTH Dayton residents wanted as 1299.7107, 'j iciiiuic, iini. viw. PHONE, WRITE OK VISIT PH. 433-3410 REG. NO.

71-04-0243T DAYTON TECHNICAL CENTER RE IS Electronic Schools Climate Control Training Center 116 Westpork Rd. Centervllle 45459 SnUIS. Oiuu jgiyiic. neignp*rnooa represemanves tor Fuller Brush. Call 233-7164.

25 Help Wanted 25 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE, $200 per week salary. On lob training. Call Mr. Freed, 859-5555. DACHSHUND puppies, AKC, wks.

shots ond stud service. 678-7275. Help Wanted sol- PHONE SOLICITOR experience, ary plus commission. 294-1486. DACHSHUND, AKC miniature puppies.

Stud service, 866-2669 after 4. DACHSHUND, AKC, miniature, red. PART TIME AND FULL TIME Receive hourly rates for telephoning from our Doyton office. 223-1777. INCREASE YOUR PAYCHECK Gain respect, advancement ond recognition by loining the needed ranks of mole puppies.

426-5293. PHOTOGRAPHIC DACHSHUND Puppies, AKC, Chomp. bloodline, shots. 878-3568 eves. I DOBERMAN females, $75 and up, call SELL REAL ESTATE WE TRAIN TRAINEE.

Earn while you learn to be! industry. NEW CAR SALES Excellent opportunity wjth a Chrys'er-Prymoufn Dealer. Experience a must. Apply in person. CANTRELL GUY 3200 Kettering Blvd.

after 5. 890-1077 1 a i censeo Hearing io tonsuitoni. Se fu or tlme. Uctn) ST Wl7 unlicensed. Call 426-7711, HELP WANTED and Service 34 (No Investment unless stated) TOOL AND DIE DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING ELECTRONICS HELP WANTED Yes and Service 34 (No Investment unless stated) DOBERMAN PINSCHER, female, housebroken, $50.

263-8807 RED CARPET iu fium ni tii uwiny profession. Starting salary $125 wk. Send Resume to Box 3339, Doyton Newspapers Inc. PHOTOGRAPHIC LABORATORY TECHNICIANS VETERANS SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE 0 Approved for veteron training. Fed- DOBERMAN, 2 femoles, red, 1 ears, shots, AKC.

1-667-1385 eves. DOBERMAN Plncher, AKC puppies, excellent background, black and ton SELL REAL ESIAlE Full or part lime, no experience. Call Mr. Blngamon, 253 8863. BINGAMON RfcALTY, INC.

or rust and ton, 2 litters. 698-5572, riA 1 A I A N. maie. 10 nice VERSATILE Secretorln Receptionist, typing, filing, shipping and receiving, responsible. 298-7966 for oppt.

WANTED, waitresses and bus help, experienced In food ond co*cktails. Apply In person to the Dayton Inn dining room, 3rd Ludlow, a.m. PRODUCT SALES SUPERVISOR Immediate opening for qualified person as Production Sales Supervisor of our Industrial mechanical seal line Candidate must have successful experience in the sales application and rally Insured student loan program. Day and Night Classes OHIO REG. NO.

72-O2-0105T CALL OR WRITE TODAY 278-0700 ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 4920 Northcutt Ploce Dayton, Ohio markings, tree to good home, 866-9746. DALMATIAN pups, 6 wks. old, AKC reg. Excellent breeding. Call Muncle, SALES REPRESENTATIVE Immediate opening To call on retail grocery trade.

Must hove ability to sell ond expand distrl-hutlnn on leadlna national brand food TELEPHONE WORKERS NEEDED We need you to moke reservations for our sales promotional dinners. Come on over and work In our friendly new office. Your choice of hours, 9-5 or 5-9. APPLY AT: Ind. (317) 288-1404.

promotion of tnechonlcol seals or WE HAVE openings far I products. Excellent potential furnace products. Salary, car, expenses ondiPWP with progressive company In western Installers and 2 experienced service paid hospital. Send resume to Box ENGLISH setter pup, reol cute, good hunting stock, 835-5297. ilNGLISH BULLDOG, female, AKC, 2 people, storting wage $4.75 nr.

Dayton Newspapers, Inc Dogs. Cats, Birds, Misc. 60 yrs. old, quality area. iv-j4oo.

I SALES managers, full or part time, Pennsylvania, salary commensurate with background ond experience. An equal opportunity employer. Send resume with salary history to: Box 3799 Dayton Newspapers, Inc r.RFAT DANffnuos. fawn, AKC, sired high Income. 233-8613, 4-7 p.m.

Century Heating Air Conditioning, CATS son champ. Jumpin Ken of Morydone, Devrok Kennels. Excellent bloodlines. 6171 Brondt Pke, Marian Meadows: 434-2569. Shopplna Center; between 8 5 p.m.

Only experienced people apply. TEACHERS Full or part time summer positions with exceptional eornlnq opportunity. Apply If you desire better than over-aae ncome. Write Director, Suite 240, EBON-CAT Cotlery, breeding KNOTT BLDG. 7 E.

FOURTH ST. GERMAN SHEPHERD, 3 month AKC 1 Cl.aH thrtu, Ar young cots for sole. 1-884-5972. REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY Excellent position for agaresslve person with the responsibility of buying and selling In a rehabllltion program. Call tor 9-5.

Daymar Properties Inc. 228-2107 4130 Linden Ave. Dayton, 45432. r.i. mnm a.

at Mother', rinv. will 1 Breeding. Home only. 885-4JB, Immediate positions available for individuals with at least 2 yeors experience in on outomaed photographic processing or darkroom environment. Individuals will be responsible for the dperation and maintenance of film printers, Versamat processors and other precision automated photographic laboratory equipment, processing N.A.S.A.

photographic satellite information. In addition, applicants should have service or technical school training. Computing tx Software, offers convenient suburban Maryland location; liberal relocation policy, attractive 'salaries and comprehensive company paid benefit program. For furrher information call collect, 301 -794-8900. COMPUTING SOFTWARE, INC.

10210 Greenbelt Road, Suite 510 Seabrook, Maryland 20301 An Equal Opportunity Employer MF ROOM 1410 14th FLOOR hold. Call 426-3342; 252-2931. I GERMAN SHEPHERD, male, pure 1 a ir cart TELEPHONE SALES, experience preferred, but not necessary. Tickets and Ads. 228-2393.

SIAMESE KITTENS, Reg. Seal andiwnne SHEPHERD moles, AKC, Chocolate point. 1-767-7004. GERMAN WE need an experienced person in the field of purchasing of coarse paper products for a wholesale paper distributor. We are located in Southwesten Ohio, We have an ecllent fringe benefits program.

Please forward resume to Box 3419, Dayton Newspapers, Inc. 10 black-silver, large parents, SIAMFSE-Rore Albino, 6 pa pers. $50. Call 293-6)66 eves. $45.

252-7475. REAL ESTATE WE TRAIN $10 RED CARPET SCHOOL 426-771J REAL ESTATE 274-7511 SALES manaaer to handle 3 people wtih leads furnished. Earn uo to 25 25 Help Wanted Help Wanted HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SALES (Experienced) 365ALES (Experienced) 36 (No Investment unless stated) (No Investment unless stated) TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Salary plus commission We train Apply In person: 5907 Wolf Creek Pike, Trotwood An Equal Opportunity Employer TELEPHONE SALES ExpVrienceJ top commissions paid, year round work In Doyton, 252-8652; 426-7253. 000. phone 294-1486.

26 Temporary Work SALES PEOPLE Nations leading food service company Is seeking sales people for local area. Some selling experience desired but TELEPHONE Solicitors, experienced. WANTED packaging and assembly line workers for temporary positions. First and second shifts. Good pay, no fee.

Transportation necessary. Apply Labor Power Temporary Help, 232 S. Ludlow. No phone calls. not necessary.

We offer the qualified UnL Inn innAlntmanl( tfr ni ir rani'-1 sentotives. Guaranteed wage plusi person the opportunity to participate In our dynamic growth, plus excep bonus. Coll Miss commissions and Priest 276-2136. Employment Bureaus 28 3 EXPERIENCED tional advancement opportunity. People selected will be thoroughly trained and following training their sales effort will be fully supported and aided by both the local and national oraonl-zation.

Compensation is based on sal- INTERNAL AUDITOR Diversified Dayton based corporation seeks internal auditor witti several years experience in auditing. Travel 50 to 75 throughout the USA. Excellent poid company benefits. Please send resume to: BOX 3579 DAYTON NEWSPAPERS, INC. An Equal Opportunity Employer Are you Interested In a more challenge TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Ing opportunity on a highly confidential basis? Are you motivated to seek ory plus commission and outo allow- for Mornlna, aHernoon and evening irinn.

h.n.nt m. shift. Guaranteed salary. Steady work, TOOL-ROOM PLANNER eluded. To quolity for an Interview Ph.

275-3988 tor appt. or apply 400 U.tlc Dr. 9 to 5 call 228- 2668 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., ask for John Skeen. on opportunity rather than wait. wait? Let us assist you to achieve your goals.

Send your resume to SEARCH IVISION, SALES CONSULTANTS OF DAYTON, No. 615 Knott 4th Main, Dayton, Ohio 45402 NEW CAR SALES FRANK CHEVROLET DUE TO INCREASED VOLUME OF NEW CAR SALES WE MUST ADD TO OUR PRESENT SALES STAFF. The forecast for 1972 is to be the biggest year in automotive history. This is an excellent opportunity to increase your income if you like people and love to sell. We offer salary, training, 5-day work week, new car and all normal fringe benefits.

To qualify you must have previous sales experience other than automotive. For an appointment call Alan Besco, Monday thru Friday between I and 3 p.m., 461-5200. HELP WANTED ASSISTANT Bookkeeper $115 (Experienced) 36 paid If qualified. Leonard Assoc, SALES POSITION Aggressive salesperson for fl, lowest coaling mill, coated papers, Salary plus bonus plus expenses. Experience desired.

Send resume to P.O. Box 330, Sales Manager, Franklin, 0. 45005. 223-7139. (No Investment unless stated) BEGINNERS TYPISTS (3) $70-80.

Will train 40-50 wpm typists in general office duties. HUGHES PERSONNEL 4S. Main 222-3400 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Manufacturer's rep wanted. Well established precision sheet metal fabricator ond machining company seeks qualified ond agqressive rep for the Dayton, Cincinnati and Columbus area. L.O.P., P.O.

Box 827, Lotayette, Ind. 47902 ADVERTISING: We are Interested In a good self starting salesperson for the Dayton and surrounding area. We will troin, but want a person who has the Imagination and drive to develop themselves. Ours is a nationwide manufacturer and distributor. Aye not Important.

For a I Interview please call Bob Waller at Downtiwn Holiday Inn, phone 224-9911 between 7:00 p.m. ond 9:00 p.m. Thursday May 11th and 9:00 a.m. lo 9:00 p.m. Friday CAREER Busine-s Service Young enough to be creative.

But old a to be re- May 12th. Town Country Furniture EARN UP TO SI 2,000 PER YEAR It is now possible for you to earn ttiii money by helping our customers wih their home furnishinqs purchases, if you are properly trained in Product Knowledge, Design and So'es Procedures. If vou ore not troined, ws will hire you if you will attend a 4 month training program at your expense in Columbus, Ohio For an Interview, call 293-6903 Crors Container Company has an immediate opening for tool-room Must be thoroughly experienced planner of small and medium-run machine parts and tooling components. Must be able to do some simple tool design, operational drawings, and other similar special assignments. We can offer you stable employment, substantial fringe ebnefis, and the satisfaction of working for the world's largest manfacturer of aluminum beer cans.

Send resume and salary requirements to Employment Manager. An Equal Opportunity Employer spectea. 24 N. Jefferson TOP DOLLAR CANVASSERS AND CLOSERS Young siding company growing last. Need experienced personnel.

274-7515 228 8333 entertainment newspaper. Must be ex perienced. Port time. Full time, coll 252-8652. Continental Consultants I Grant Deneau Tower 222-8626! CROWN PERSONNEL Formerly Hoffman Mendenholl 117 S.

Main 223-3108 AFTER A FUTURE? Have you gone as for as vou can In your present lob? Would you like to train In new profession meeting the public with on old reliable company? UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY I want to talk to a mature person who can do a professional lob of direct selling. Conservative potential over first year. Learning permit reaulred. If you wont to loin a company that Is going places. Call Manager, 222-8667.

Starting salary $400. per month. Excel lent earning potential. It so Call 2VJ-7681 or 434-3572. DIESEL and truck mechanic.

Salary to M0. Need for immediately. Leonard Assoc, 223-7139. EURNITURf 0 year round work. Leonard Assoc, 273-I39, HAHN ASSOCIATES 111 W.

First St. 223-1130 Please check eurjunday Ads. mTd I A OPENINGS Ipr 'LI-tensed Pror.tlcal Nurses with Mont- ornery County. Apply at Montnomerv ounty Office 15 N. Main Roo 2IOJercoll 224.9114.

ext. TniriTed In more challenging fu Business insurance Sales An agneesslve life Insurance agency Is Interested in establishing a full time career agent for the purpose of devel- Employment Wanted 40 OISC Jockey for hire, has own equipment. Call 256-6806 after 5:30 p.m. SALES REPRESENTATIVE COOPER COMMUNITIES, INC. WHERE HAPPINESS IS UP TO S800 PER MO.

START HIGH COMMISSION SbMINAR SELLING LEADS FURNISHED nations ieiding community bui'aws it pandin I Sar tor tie right pori-m, Call for interview 12 th-j 4 CM. 258-2116 An tgual Opportunity Employer nrnrtnrt. tnlnrv mm, oors mission plus bonus. Send resume to Box 3549 Dayton Newspapers, Inc. CARPEf Plenty ture on a very confidential basis? 5m your resume or can stKi.n ILLITERATE, long hair, 11 yr, old boy i wants any kind ot work.

Box 4617 Doyton Newspapers Inc. i JOBS'WA'NTED PART TIME JOBS A 6 for young men attending ITT Terhnlrgl I Ill, it rnn wnrb A il h. map An.i of qualified lends high commissions COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 3-4 years supervisory experience on a system 36040 or larger is required. Knowledge of JCL-6 scheduling of multi-programming shop is required. O.S.

experience is desirable. Send resume and salary requirements to: Personnel Manager TAPPAN CORPORATION 250 Wayne Street Mansfield, Ohio 44902 An Equal Opportunity Employer Dl A LUN5WL nm i 3, its c-i'ie 1928, Knott 4th i. Main, Dayton, Apply 630 Wyoming, 1 to 4 P.M. Ohio 45402, i rScrilT AiCCMT UUUI I I IVLI 1 I we ore looking for an Individual to i m(irnm or evenings in CONTAINER COMPANY Golden, Colo. 80401 service anu sen on esmnusnea insur.

(raining 2 yrs 28 0700 once debit, First year postenllal up lo! v- Excellent 'fringe benefits and irLOV work' Town onnortunltv for advancement. Fxnerl. MECHANICS DRIVERS II00S2O0 TRAINEE Ond EXPERIENCED 224-9001 DAYTON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 40 W. Fourth St. mha over iu yrs, practical comput- Call Dayton, 276-5522, ence pretertd.

I to 4:30. er-systems design experience. Going Into college teachlna this fall, Would like full time summer position In computer systems design. 275-1477. Cliitilled-223-1515.

The Journal Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.