Fairy Tail: Primal Ascendance - Chapter 36 - OmniNexus (2024)

Chapter Text

Word Count: 15,619

3rd POV

Pantherlily was suddenly struck from behind and nearly killed when a magical beam went straight through his chest.

Panther Lily:Gwaaaaahhh!!!



As Panther Lily fell to the ground near the outskirts of the Royal City, Erza Knightwalker and Ace Ganon were flying towards Drake and the others with a large fleet of soldiers riding their Legions. Erza Knightwalker was also holding a cannon, meaning she was the one that shocked Panther Lily.

Edolas Erza:You pathetic traitor. You're not a noble Exceed, you're nothing but a Fallen.

Edolas Ace:How ungrateful for you to forget your debt to our king and betray him for the kingdom that abandoned you.

Nashi:It's the Edolas version of Erza and Ace.

Happy:Knightwalker and Ganon.

Edolas Homura:Ace?...


Gajeel:Heartless Broad, you're gonna pay!

Shagotte: Lily, no! We have to help him!

Elder Exceed:It's too dangerous, Shagotte!

Momiji:Have no worries, Shagotte; I'll help him.

With that, Momiji flew down to save Lily, Edolas Erza, and Ace, then glared at their Earthland counterparts.

Edolas Erza:Scarlet!

Edolas Ace:Vanguard!!

Ace:Those two again...

Jellal:Let me handle this.*Turns to Knightwalker and Ganon*I've had enough of your insolence, Captain Knightwalker, Captain Ganon! How dare you point your weapons at me, the Royal Prince of Edolas!

Faust:Gyahahahahaha! You? The Royal Prince of Edolas? Don't make me laugh! You don't deserve the title because I never thought of you as my son!

Coco:That's the King's voice!

Lucy:But where is he?

Faust:You have some nerve. You can't run off for 7 years and then suddenly waltz back in as if nothing happened! Do you think you can fool me? I know you've been in Earthland, sealing all of the Animas! You are a traitor, and as such, you shall be punished for your actions!

Wendy:Where is his voice coming from?

Carla:I don't know, but he certainly sounds angry, doesn't he?

Nashi:Come on! Show yourself, Bucko!

Happy:Come out and face us!

Jellal: Your Anima plan has failed. Please, surrender peacefully. You've got no reason to fight anymore!

A bright green glow appeared at the centre of what appears to be a destroyed Colosseum in the Royal City, causing the ground to tremble.

Faust:Ridiculous! Who says I need a reason to fight?

Glory:You guys hear that? It sounds like it's coming from the underground!

Drake:What is this? Why do I feel so much magic power building up in the air?

Faust:This is no simple fight, no! This is RETRIBUTION!! An extermination of all who dares to oppose their king!

A massive, chain-restrained metallic egg popped up from the earth.

Lucy:What is that thing?

Glory:Some kind of magic weapon?

Faust:Since you meddlesome cretins are intent on standing in my way, I have no choice but to obliterate each and every one of you! Regardless of who you are!

The chains reached their limit and snapped as the egg rose higher in the air.

Jellal:Father, please.

Faust:I am not your father! I am the King of Edolas! If I destroy you here and now, I no longer have to worry about you sealing my Animas in Earthland! I'll be free to create another giant lacrima and fuse it with the Exceeds! Limitless magic power will be mine!

All eyes watched in horror as the egg began to slowly change shape, eventually taking on the appearance of a mechanical dragon.

Shagotte:Oh, no...

Drake:You've got to be kidding, another Dragnoid?!

The Mechanical Dragon took two steps forward, creating craters where it stepped. Its eyes glowed an eerie red.


Elders:"Can you feel all of that magic power?" "Yes, it's terrifying, and I recognise that from anywhere." "Is that what I think it is?"

Shagotte:Dorma... Anim...

Drake:Dorma Anim?

Jellal:From our ancient language, it means 'Dragon Knight'. It's enhanced dragon armour!

Nashi:A Dragon?

Happy:It certainly looks like one; don't you guys think so?

Wendy:So it's magic armour?

Carla:It's unlike any I've seen before.

Coco:It's a magic-enhanced armour made from an anti-magic lacrima called Wizard Canceller. It's bad news for us because our attacks will have an effect on it. The king must be in there, controlling its every move.

Faust:As king, I order you to capture all of the Exceeds at once!

Army:Yes, sir!

Jellal:Exceeds! Fly for your lives!

The Exceeds were dispersed in all directions when the Royal Army Legions began to pursue them. With these strange cannons, the soldiers atop the Legions started firing lasers at the Exceeds, transforming anyone they hit into tiny lacrimas shaped like cats.

On top of Coco's Legion, Drake and the others were coming up with a plan to stop the invasion.

Erza:Do your best to keep the Exceeds safe from the Royal Army; I'm going to try and take down Knightwalker.

Lucy:You got it.

Nashi was off to the side, struggling to stay on the Legion. Drake walks up to Erza with Seigetsu in his hand.


Erza:Yes? What is it?


Drake hands Erza his Zanpakuto, Seigetsu.

Erza:Seigetsu? Drake, are you sure?

Drake:If things get rough, you can rely on Seigetsu's power to turn the tides.

Erza:I don't know what to say...

Drake:You don't have to...

Ace:Well then, guess I'll be dealing with Ganondork, and here I thought I'd fight the old geezer in the Dragon Armour.

Glory:We've gotta stop that thing. Quit bickering and help us out, loser!

Nashi:Who are you calling a loser?!

Coco:I wouldn't go near that thing if I were you. Your magic is useless against it!

Jellal:Then we'll have to dodge its attacks! We have to do what we can to protect the Exceeds. They're completely defenceless right now!

Drake:Well, then let's do it!

Drake and Ace exerted their auras and flew upward into the sky along with the Legion.

Faust:You think you can dodge me, can you? We'll see. Gahahaha!I WILL OBLITERATE ANYONE WHO GETS IN MY WAY! I WON'T LET A SINGLE HUMAN ESCAPE MY WRATH! BEGONE!!!!

The Dorma Anima's mouth opened and started charging up magic energy in the cannon within the mouth. Faust aimed the cannon at Coco's Legion and then fired a huge white beam of energy towards the Legion. Before it could hit, Mystogan flew in to defend them, using his magic to shield the blast.


Faust:Mystogan? Don't tell me that's the name you decided to go by in Earthland! Your name is Jellal!

Jellal:Tch, Erza! Get out of here while you still can!

Drake:What about you?!

Jellal:Forget about me! Just go!

Coco:Will he be okay?

Nashi:Yeah, he's got this.


Three different coloured magic circles appeared in front of Mystogan and absorbed the magic energy from the beam before firing it back towards Faust and the Dorma Anim. The resulting impact caused an explosion.

Glory:Think that got him?

Lucy:Wow, Mystogan is so strong...

Faust:Hehehe, goodness, that tickled!


Nashi:Not even a scratch!?

Glory:That's crazy!

Faust:Behold! This is the power of the great Wizard Canceller! You can attack with all your might, but it won't stop me! The Dorma Anim is impervious to all forms of magic!

Faust fired a breath attack again at Mystogan; this time it grazed him and his Legion, and it caused enough damage to send Mystogan off of his Legion to fall to the ground below!


Faust:Ghahahah! The Mighty Prince has fallen! I'm sure he'll feel right at home crawling along the ground with the other pests!

Faust started reeking havoc, aiming his laser at the sky and almost hitting the others as they dodged his attack. While that happened, the soldiers turned more of the Exceeds into lacrimas while others went into hiding, having had enough of all of this. Drake turned to the rest of the Slayers on the legion.

Drake:Nashi! Ace! Wendy! Tai! Gajeel! We're going!

Dragon Slayer:Right!

Lucy:H-Huh? Hold on, what are you guys thinking!?

Drake:There's a dragon that needs slaying, and only the six of us can do it.

Coco:Are you crazy!? Haven't you listened to a thing I said!? Dorma Anim is one of the most dangerous weapons in all of Edolas; no matter what you throw at it, it'll just bounce-

Drake:I know what you said!

Coco:Then why are you going!?

Drake turns to Coco.

Drake:Because if we don't, innocent people will die, Coco! Is that what you want!?

Coco's eyes widened, and she looked down with a saddened look. Drake looks down on the King.

Drake:Your despicable ruler has been denying your people the freedom to utilise the things they cherish for years, and thousands of people have died as a result of their refusal to submit to his dictates because of his self-centeredness! I will be the one to overthrow him for the benefit of all Edolas residents, since I cannot bear the thought of a bastard such as him ruling your world!

???:Stop right there!

Suddenly, Edolas Ace lands on the Legion and points his sword at Drake and the others.

Edolas Ace:You have fortified our plans long enough, Earthlanders! This time, I will not allow you to get in our way again!

Edolas Ace readies his sword, charging up magic energy into it, it and points down towards the legion, about to stab it, until a familiar voice calls out to him, to make him stop.

Edolas Homura:ACE! STOP!

Edolas Ace stopped right as he was about to strike the Legion and turned to Edolas Homura with a shocked look.

Edolas Homura:H-Homura...? You're okay!

Edolas Ace loosens the grip on his sword till he eventually drops it and hurries over to Edolas Homura, enveloping her in a hug, and tears run down his face, along with Edolas Homura, who did the exact same.

Edolas Homura: *Tears*A-Ace... I thought I'd never be able to see you again!

Edolas Ace:I'm so glad you're safe! They didn't hurt you, did they?

Edolas Homura:Thankfully, no... But I was so scared. I thought I would never be able to escape the castle once they forced me into slavery. They threatened that if I didn't do a good job, they'd end my life.

Edolas Ace:I'm sorry, you had to go through that... I wanted to help you. Really, I did, but I couldn't do anything. The King threatened to take your life if I didn't cooperate and assist with the hunt for wizard guilds. I hunted and killed hundreds of innocents, most of them people I knew, and what was worse was when I took Elsie's life. I didn't mean to... I just... I wish I could take it all back, but I know it's far too late for that.

Edolas Homura:Ace...

Edolas Ace:I know I cannot atone for all I've done, but I'll at least try to make things right.

Edolas Ace lets go of Edolas Homura and moves his hand in the direction where he dropped his sword, causing him to levitate and move back to his hand. He walked towards the top of Legion's head, looked down at Faust, breathed in a lot of air, and let it all out with a big shout.

Edolas Ace:FAUUUUUUST!!!

Ace's sudden yell caught the attention of Faust as well as most of the soldiers nearby, all confused about what was going on.

Faust:Captain Ace?

Edolas Ace:For years, you have chained me with shackles, forcing me to do your dirty work! You've made me kill countless innocent people, including those who I once called friends! But that all ends today, because from this day forth! I will no longer be affiliated with the Royal Army! Because I-

Edolas Ace rips out of his sleep, showing his Fairy Tail Guild Mark on his right shoulder.


Faust:Grrr! Why you little! You ungrateful wrench!! I knew you were going to betray me; I should've killed that bitch of yours when I had the chance! Hmph, no matter; you're all going to die together anyway!

Suddenly, the Dorma Anim was hit with an explosive blow to the back.

Faust:What was that!?

Nashi was seen attacking the Dorma Anim using her Fire Dragon Iron Fist, while Gajeel was going at its stomach using an Iron Dragon Sword.

Faust:What's going on?! The Dorma Anim shouldn't be affected by their magic attacks!

Wendy is seen flying high in the sky, gathering up magic energy into her mouth, preparing for a breath attack.


Wendy unleashes her breath attack, hitting the Dorma Anim from above, sending it sliding backwards. Then she landed between Nashi and Gajeel.

Faust:Argh!! You brat!!!

Nashi:Impressive, little sis!

Wendy:Thank you, but I could've done better.

Gajeel:You're going to pay for hurting my cat.

Ace:Don't leave me out!APOCALYPSE DRAGON!!!....

Suddenly, Ace appears below Dorma Anima's face, with his fist coated in magic energy.


Ace throws a strong punch to Dorma Anim's chin, landing a massive uppercut and sending the Dragon Armour flying in the air.

Faust:Arg! Such strength!

A blink light appeared in the sky, and suddenly a figure coated in a golden aura descending at such high speed.

Faust:What is that!?


Tai closes in on Faust and slams his palm on Dorma Anim's chest.


Suddenly, the Dorma Anim was hit with a wave of gravity and was sent hurling towards the ground, making a crater. Faust climbed out of it and was both frustrated and confused.

Faust:What is going on here?! How is your magic able to push back the Dorma Anim!?

???:That's because...

Faust turned to the source of the voice and saw Drake's fist coated in magic energy, ready to throw a fist.


Drake lands a powerful punch to Dorma Anim's face, leaving a large dent in the armour. The force behind the punch also sent Faust flying towards the other side of the colosseum, crashing through the wall.

After that, Drake did a spinning front flip until he landed back on the ground in the centre of the line-up of dragon slayers present in the upcoming battle between Slayer and Knight. Nashi and Gajeel stood at the far end of either side; Wendy stood in between Nashi and Tai; Ace stood in between Gajeel and Drake.


Ayumi:Come on, Drake! Show him the power of the true Dragon King!

Carla:Please be careful!

Kohaku:Beat that old man to a pulp, Ace!

Rebecca:Yeah, show that old timer who's boss!

Homura:Y-Yeah! And kick him in the balls!

Everyone paused and looked at Homura.

Everyone: O_O...

Homura:What? It's very effective.

Lucy:You can do it, guys!

Drake:We'll be fine; just keep the cats safe.

Erza:In that case, I'll leave it to you.

Lucy:Are you sure they're going to be able to take on that monster all by themselves?

Glory:Don't be ridiculous. Who better to fight a dragon than those who were trained to defeat them? Especially the future King of the Dragons. They're the only ones who stand a chance. The Dragon Slayers!

The Legion then flew off to protect the rest of the Exceeds from the Royal Army.

Gajeel:Heh, well, Star Lord, it looks like this will be the first time we'll be teaming up.

Drake:Well, what do you know it is.

Nashi:I can't believe I have to team up with you again.

Gajeel:Stop complaining. We can settle our score after we're done kicking this Grandpa's teeth in.

Nashi:I'm all fired up now!

Faust:Ha! Well, I'd like to see you try!

The irises on Drake's eyes sharpened as he got into a battle stance.


Dragon Slayers:YEAAAAAH!

Wendy:Allow me!Oh, swift winds that speed through the Heavens! Vernier!

Blue magic circles appeared underneath: Drake, Ace, Tai, Nashi, and Gajeel.

Nashi:What the!...

Gajeel:This is crazy! My body feels so light.

Drake:Enchantment magic? Good thinking, sis.

Tai:Impressive; I never thought the princess had such skill in her repertoire.

Ace:Oh yeah! Let's dismantle this machine!

They were all then surrounded by spheres of magic, Nashi's being red, Gajeel's was green, Tai's was gold, Ace's was crimson, and Drake's was an azure blue. With that, all five rushed forward towards the Dorma Anim. Faust tried to fire his laser at them, but they quickly moved out of the way.

Faust:How did they dodge my attack?

Nashi:Woohoo! We're really flying now! So this is what it feels like? It's awesome!

Faust tried to aim at them, but they were all moving so fast that he couldn't lock in his target.

Faust:I can't lock my targets on them!






The five of them unleashed a series of attacks directed at the head of the Dorma Anim, doing significant damage.

Faust:Nnghh! I don't understand what's happening here! Their attacks shouldn't affect me! Why is the Dorma Anim taking damage?!

Gajeel:Come on! It should have fallen by now!

Nashi:This is going to be tough!

Drake:Well, then I guess we better kick it up a notch! Wendy!

Wendy:On it!I call upon thee! The Stalwart arms that cleave the heavens! ARMS!

Drake and the others had another light blue magic circle underneath them.

Gajeel:What's she doing now?

They were then enveloped in their respective magic auras.

Nashi:I feel way stronger now!

Drake:It's an attack enhancement spell! This time, our damage will be doubled!

Ace:Sweet! This guy is not going to know what hit him!

Tai:What about our drives? Should we use this now?

Drake:Not yet. The elemental drives consume a lot of magic power to stay active. Since Edolas is on the verge of losing its magic energy, it'll be hard to recover the right amount to keep the forms active throughout the battle. Let's save them until the situation becomes dire.

Tai:Alright, then you're the boss!

Ace:Well, what are we waiting for? Let's pound this faker!


Faust:What nonsense is this? Why is their magic power increasing all of a sudden?!

The five slayers charged towards Dorma Anim once again, unleashing a series of attacks that did even more damage to the Dragon Mech.






The slayers hit the Dorma Anim with more tenacity in their attacks. While that happened, Faust focused his attention on Wendy.

Faust:It's her! She's doing this! You're done, brat! LaunchDRAGON RIDER MISLES!

A large number of missiles came out of the Dorma Anim's back and were aimed at Wendy.

Nashi:Wendy! Look out!

Wendy:I've got this!

Wendy manipulates the wind to fly away from the incoming missiles, and as soon as she does, she realises the missiles are following her.

Gajeel:They're tracking her?

Wendy lands back on the ground as the missiles close in on her.


Wendy raises her hands and manipulates the wind, changing the directions of the missiles and aiming them back at Dorma Anim, shocking Faust.


The missiles made an impact on the armour, sending it flying across the arena.

Wendy:I bet you thought I was the weak one just because I decided to act as support. News flash, old timer, I'm more than just some damsel in distress!

Wendy manifests her magic energy throughout her body and launches herself forward, flying towards Dorma Anim at blinding speed, and punches the armour in the torso, leaving a massive dent, and sending the Dragon Knight flying across the arena once again.


Drake:Alright, Wendy!!!

Nashi:Yeah! You show him, little sister!!!

Ace:Yeah, Wendy!!

Gajeel:Gotta admit, I'm impressed.

Tai: *blush*Woah, that was hot.

The slayers paused for a moment, then looked at Tai.

Drake:What did you say?

Tai: *blushing*N-Nothing!!

The Dorma Anim gets up from the rubble, and Faust wasn't looking too happy.

Faust:You think that was enough to stop me-agh!

Gajeel jumped on the back of Dorma Anim and attacked with both of his hands in the form of iron hammers.

Gajeel:Heh, you ain't shooting no one! You hear me, old man?!

Faust:Grrr! You're getting on my nerves!!

Faust then hit Gajeel using the Dorma Anim's tail and sent another two missiles towards Wendy. Nashi rushed in and got in front of her.

Nashi:I've got these two!

Wendy:Nashi wait! Those two seem different from the other ones!

The thrusters on the missiles suddenly stopped, and they exploded right in front of Nashi. Faust then fired three concentrated magic lasers at Drake, Ace, and Tai.

Drake:Watch out!

Before they could react, each of them was hit by the beams, which caused an explosion.

Wendy:Big bro!

Faust:Gahahahaha! It's about time you lowly wizards learned your place! You couldn't slay a dragon if it was laid down before you!

A sound was heard during the explosions. Faust looked over to see that Nashi was eating the fire from the exploding missiles, and Drake, Ace, and Tai were eating the energy from the magic lasers.

Faust:Impossible! They're eating the magic I used in my attacks!

He heard a loud metallic chomping sound and saw that Gajeel was eating the Dorma Anim's tail.

Faust:Is he insane?! Why is he eating the Dorma Anim's tail?!

Drake:Of all the energy I've eaten in my life, that was definitely the nastiest one.

Tai:Tell me about it; I feel like I'm about to barf.


Nashi:That fire tasted pretty nasty too. I've never tried one like that.

Gajeel:This iron is some bad stuff too. But anyways.

Nashi & Gajeel:I'm starting to feel like I've got a real fire in my belly!

Nashi:Are you copying me, Metalhead?

Gajeel:It's just a coincidence, numb nuts!

Faust:Unbelievable! Are all Earthland Wizards this powerful?!

Nashi:Man, this thing is hardcore. No wonder they call it a dragon.

Gajeel:It ain't a dragon. It's just a dumb old man inside a hunk of junk.

Wendy:He's out here without any of his guards to protect him. All we have to do is take that thing down.

Drake cracks his knuckles, then his neck.

Drake:Then we better stop pulling our punches.

Faust:So these are the Dragon Slayers...*Huff, huff*Such power... I will not rest until I have it for myself!!!

The Dorma Anim slowly started to gather power, with dark energy flowing into it from the environment.

Gajeel:What's going on?

Drake:The Dorma Anim's magic power is growing. It seems the armour is absorbing the magic energy from the area. It's kind of like Elsie's Star Drain spell, but this is more ominous.

The Dorma Anim started to transform, slowly becoming able to stand up straight on two feet and turning jet black.

Faust: "Hehehe, if I can capture those dragon slayers, I'll be able to start my Anima Plan over again! They are the key to obtaining everlasting magic power for Edolas! Wait, what am I thinking? They're weapons! I should secure them for myself! If they happen to get damaged in the process, so be it!" I shall rob you of your will to fight! You'll be begging me for mercy! Witness the power of DORMA ANIM: BLACK HEAVEN!!!

The armour finished its transformation and exerted great magical power. The right arm had a giant blade attached to it, and the left arm had a shield on it.

Faust:I've got you now!

Faust then leaped into the air and stabbed one of his sword arm, glowing a bright purple. Nashi was sent flying towards a pillar of the arena they were in. She quickly jumped off the pillar back at the Dorma Anim and attacked the armour with a Fire Dragon Iron Fist, but Faust used his shield arm to block Nashi's attack.

Faust:You're going to have to try harder than that!

He then pushed Nashi off of him, like the attack was nothing. Drake flew in and caught Nashi, placing her on the ground gently. While Ace and Tai took flight and charged at Faust.



Both slayers spun multiple times before delivering their attacks on Dorma Anim's face. Their combined efforts caused the Dorma Anim to lean back slightly, but it quickly recovered.

Ace:What the!?

Tai:He took all of that!?

Faust:Is that all you've got?!

The Dorma Anim attacks Ace and Tai using its shield arm, sending him flying down and crashing in front of Gajeel and Wendy.

A/N: Just to clarify, compared to the anime and manga counterparts, the Dorma Anim in Primal Ascendance is much stronger. I wanted the fight to be a bit more challenging since Drake, Ace, and Tai, are major powerhouses in the group.

Gajeel:Those three hit it with everything they had, and it still did nothing.

Faust:Gahahaha! Can you feel it? This absolute magical power. It's spectacular! Don't bother falling to your knees and begging for your lives! Stay right where you are, so I can watch you tremble in fear!!!

The Dorma Anim raises its right arm in the air, gathering up magic energy into the blade for it to then glow bright purple again.

Faust:You cannot stop me! I am the one dragon you cannot slay!!!

The Dorma Anim then slammed its right arm into the ground, causing a huge wave of magic energy that enveloped the entire arena, catching the Dragon Slayers in the blast.

The Dragon Slayers all screamed out in pain as they were caught in a bright light from Faust's attack.


Outside the Colosseum, Mystogan, or should I say, Jellal, is watching the battle play out from a distance. Behind him were Momiji and Pantherlily, who were injured.

Jellal:Forgive me, Drake, Nashi.

Pantherlily:Your highness, what's going on? I saw what happened; why did you let him hit you?

Jellal looks at Panther Lily with a little smile.

Panther Lily:Don't tell me you did it to save me?

Jellal: I was worried about you.

Panther Lily:I'm fine it's barely a scratch.

Momiji pokes Panther Lilly's injury, making the pain worse.

Momiji:A scratch, huh?

Panther Lily:Damn you, Woman!

Jellal:We have no choice but to leave the Dorma Anim to Drake and the others. We have another matter to attend to.

Momiji:What would that be?

Jellal:I have one final task, and I won't be able to do it without your help.

Momiji and Panther looked at Jellal, both surprised and confused by what he would be implying.

Elsewhere on the battlefield, Edolas Erza and the Royal Army continued their assault on the Exceeds, using their cannons to turn them into Lacrima.

Happy:This is horrible.

Carla:I can still hear their screaming.

Erza:That Royal Army has almost caught up.

Glory: I can't believe there are so many of them.

Lucy:What are we going to do?

Erza:The only thing we can do is stop them before it's too late! The Exceeds are counting on us!

Happy:Then let us help you fight, Erza!

Carla:I agree; we have to do whatever we can to protect our homeland.

Ayumi:Plus, our human forms are a force to be reckoned with.

Ace Ganon:Human forms? You can turn into humans?

Before either of the Exceeds could explain, Erza Knightwalker made her presence known, riding her own Legion.

Edolas Erza:I've been waiting for you. Scarlet! And don't think I've forgotten about you, Ganon; I will make you pay for betraying our King.

Edolas Ace:K-Knightwalker?!

Erza:What do you want with me?

In the distance, a fleet of legions was heading their way.

Glory:Oh no! It's a trap!

Lucy:An ambush!?

Coco:Legi, let's get out of here!

Coco's legions attempted to make an escape; however, the group failed to notice the Royal Army within the forest with cannons ready to fire. The army fired the cannons, shooting an endless amount of bullets, making traversal for Coco's legion a lot more difficult, until it was then hit directly in the stomach with a blast, knocking everyone riding the beast off of it.

As they all fell, Ayuimi, Kohkau, Happy, and Carla sprouted their wings and dived downward to catch the others, preventing them from falling to their deaths. Happy was carrying Lucy, Carla was carrying Coco, Ayumi was carrying Edolas Homura, and Kohaku carried Glory.


Kohaku:Wait, aren't we missing some people?

Lucy:You're right, where are Erza and Edolas Ace!?

Homura:Ace!? Ace, where are you!?

Back with the fleet of Legions, Edolas Ace knocked one of the soldiers off a legion and rid it himself, with Erza also riding the same one.

Edolas Ace:It looks like we both thought of the same idea.

Erza:Get me in closer.

Edolas Ace:Right! Yah!

Ace commanded the Legion to charge at Edolas Erza. Hearing the commotion, Erza Knightwalker turned to Ace's Lions coming right at her, and Earthland Erza leaped off of the beast with her sword ready to strike her.

She drew her spear to block the blow, putting the opposites in a deadlock, although she was taken aback at first.

The two would clash weapons once again before putting themselves in another deadlock.

Edolas Erza:Trying to sneak up on me?

Erza:I'm here to finish this once and for all. I had enough of you!?

Edolas Erza pushed Earthland Erza back, and before losing her footing, Earthland Erza leaped off the Legion, doing a backflip, and descended down onto an island with Edolas Erza on her tail.

Edolas Erza:Get to the surface, men, and finish off that traitor! I can handle this one myself!

Soldiers:Yes, Captain!

The Fleet of Legions then started to surround Edolas Ace.

Edolas Ace:Dammit! Erza, I'll be right back! I need to handle these fools first!


With that, Edolas Ace flew away, with the fleet of the Royal Army chasing after him.

Edolas Ace: "I have to take down the fleet before I can tell Knightwalker the truth about what happened the day of Elsie's death. I'm ready to accept the possibility that she won't forgive me in the end, as long as she realises which side she should be on."

~Back to Erza and Edolas Erza~

The two found themselves in the ruins of the Exceed's ancient city.

Edolas:The Ruins of the Wretched Cat's Ancient Cities. This seems like the perfect place for your grave.

Erza:Wishful thinking—I will not die by your hands.

Erza envelopes herself with magic energy as she activates her Requip Magic.

Erza:I can't believe someone with my face would ever cause Fairy Tail so much pain!

Edolas Erza:Well, I can't believe someone with my face would bare their fangs out for the King!

Edolas Erza's spear glows, changing form, while Erza activates her Heaven's Wheel Armour.

Erza:Come get me.

Edolas Erza:I would be more than happy, too.

Both Erza's leapt off the pillars they stood on and clashed weapons.



Back at the colosseum, it is revealed that Drake used Starklight Shield to protect the others from the attack from Faust and the Dorma Anim in its Black Heaven form. But his body was strained from the impact, and he trembled slightly as he got up.

Faust:Gahahaha! You're pathetic! You stand no chance of winning!

Drake:Everyone in this world suffers because there's no magic power... So tell me, Faust. Why does their king have more than his fair share?

Faust:Hmm? What kind of question is that? You've never met a king that hasn't imposed a tax on his people. That is how monarchy works, my boy. The Dorma Anim requires a constant supply of magic power to keep running, so it's gathered from all over the world! That's why it was sealed away; it's a forbidden weapon! Now that I've activated it, the fate of the world is dependent on my victory!

Wendy:Why should we believe you?!

Gajeel:Like, you give a damn about what happens to the people in this world! That's why you're stealing all its magic power!

Drake:One of the reasons I joined Fairy Tail is so that we can help people. To be honest, I don't much care what happens to your world, but I do care about the people who live in it!

Drake clenches his fist as he glares at Faust, his eyes sharpening like a dragon.

Drake:So I'm going to do them a favour and take down the tyrant that calls the shots!

~Meanwhile Elsewhere~

After being shot out of the sky, Ayumi, Kohaku, Happy and Carla saved Lucy, Glory, Coco and Edolas Homura from falling and carried them to the ground. But partway down, everyone but Kohaku and Edolas Homura fell. and out of frustration, Lucy squished Happy's cheeks.

Lucy:I get why Carla fell, but why did you fall, Happy?!

Happy:Sorry, but you were too heavy!

Lucy started to pinch Happy's cheeks.

Lucy:Don't try to blame my weight for your weakness, buddy!

Happy:Waaah, I'm sowwy!

Glory:Ow, hey, where's Erza?

Ayumi:My guess is that she's squaring off with Knightwalker.

Edolas Homura:B-But what about Ace!?

Homura:He'll be fine; if he's anything like my Ace, then he's fighting the Royal Army as we speak.

Homura sensed something coming and drew her Soul Bades to deflect incoming lasers and parry each one of them, causing them to explode behind her.

Glory:Crap, they found us!

They found themselves completely surrounded by Royal Army soldiers.

Coco:We're surrounded.. What are we going to do?

Lucy:I guess we're gonna have to fight them.

Homura:Ready yourselves, everyone!

Rebecca drew her blasters and had them aimed at the Royal Army, and Lucy brought out her whip.

Some of the soldiers brought out small cannons and fired blue lasers at Happy, Carla, Ayumi, and Kohaku, who started to dodge out of the way.


Carla:Stop shooting at us!

Ayumi:Give us a break already!

Lucy:Why are they only aiming for those four?

Soldier:All of the escaping Exceeds have been turned into Lacrimas! With the exception of you four! Now surrender and become a magic power for our kingdom!

Ayumi and Kohaku grew annoyed and turned into their human forms, standing beside each other and charging up their energy between their hands.

Ayumi:How about...



In a joint effort, Ayumi and Kohaku combined techniques to fire a massive wave of energy towards the soldiers, exploding on impact.

Glory:What the!?

Lucy:When did you two learn how to do that?

Ayumi:Kohaku and I met our mother when we got separated, and she taught us a few things.

Kohaku:Oh, and guess what! Ayumi and I are actually sisters!

Everyone (except for Happy and Carla): O_OWHAAAAT!?

Glory:You see that! Exceeds are living beings, just like us! Do you guys want so much power that you don't care what happens to them? You people in this world need a lesson about life! I won't allow you to kill someone and take what they have!

Glory made a series of ice spikes on the floor that dealt heavy blows to the soldiers surrounding them. Lucy summons Loke to help with the fight. Homura was cutting down the enemies one by one and deflecting the blast from their guns. Rebecca retaliated by shooting at the Royal Army, using Cart Leap to blindside them, and knocking them out. They retaliated until another fleet of Legions landed behind them as they were protecting Ayumi, Kohaku, Happy, and Carla.

Ayumi: *pant* *pant*Dammit, I'm out of juice.

Kohaku:Same here; I don't know if we can go on much longer.

Lucy:We have to keep fighting!

Homura:Don't give up!

Eventually everyone had exhausted their strength and couldn't fight anymore, and one by one they were all knocked down and found themselves all at spear point. Lucy lay on the ground, crying slightly because they were completely surrounded and overtaken.

Happy:Someone, help us! Please!

Suddenly, tree roots emerge from the ground and wrap around all of the Legions, embolising them.

Glory:What the heck?

Soldier:No way... It's those cowards that always run from us.

The Emblem of Fairy Tail appeared on the tree, and Edolas Drake, as well as the rest of the Edolas Fairy Tail members, came to help fight the Royal Army.

Edolas Drake drew out a sword that glowed a blue flame, and he had silver gauntlets on.

Edolas Drake: CHAAARGGE!

Edolas Fairy Tail: YEAHHHHH!!!

The Edolas Fairy Tail Guild charged forward, with Drake on the lead of the assault, and fought off the Royal Army. Edolas Lucy runs up to Earthland Lucy and helps her up.

Edolas Lucy:Sorry, we're late, but that's better than nothing, am I right?

Lucy:You guys are lifesavers!

Each member started making quick work with the royal army, turning the tide on the battlefield. Edolas Drake was dominating the enemy forces thanks to his magic sword, the Star Sabre. Thanks to the sword, he was easily able, to overwhelm the soldiers.

Edolas Drake: LUNAR FANG!!

Edolas Drake unleashes a cresne shape slash attack to take down a multitude of enemies.

A fleet of soldiers redied their guns and shot at Edolas Drake. He prepared himself to parry the attacks, but suddenly a red blur appeared in front of him, and he launched a red beam with his black sword, taking down more of the soldiers.

Drake:I had that, y'know.

Edolas Ace:I know, but is it wrong of me to help out an old friend?

Edolas Ace turns to Edolas Drake, shocking him.

Edolas Drake:Ace?! But how? Why!?

Edolas Ace:Let's just say I'm no longer bound by the king's shackles.

Edolas Ace points towards Edolas Homura, who was tending to the wounded Exceeds.

Edolas Drake:Homura? Is that why...?

Ace gets on his knees and bows his head.

Edolas Ace:I'm sorry Drake, for everything. I know I have no right to ask for your forgives. But just this once, just like old times, let me fight by your side as your guildmate- no as your friend.

Edolas Drake stares at Ace with an emotionless gaze before smiles and rasing his hand.

Edolas Drake:Welcome back, Old friend.

Edolas Ace tears up a it as he accepts the handshake, and gets back up.

Edolas Ace:Good to be back.

Edolas Drake:Now what do you say we thrash these royal scumbags!

Edolas Ace:I thought you'd never ask!

They both drawn theirs swords, and surrounded their bodies witrh their on repetive magic aura, before charging in and joining back in the fight.

~Back At The Ruins~

Elsewhere, Erza's fight with Knighwalker continued on in the ruins of Extalia, with both fighters constantly changing weapons to gain the upperhand.

Edolas Erza:I will Kill you!

Erza:Not if you can't catch me!

The two would clash once more, causing an explosion that vaporised the alredy ruined city. They back away from one another to gain some distance with a large crater in center of their stand off.

Erza:To think we're this equally matched.

Edolas:If feels that way now, just wait. That'll change once you experience the final form of my 10 commandments.

Edolas Erza's spear starts surging with a lot of magic energy, and changes form once more, shocking Erza.

Edolas Erza: SAINT SPEAR, RAVELT!It was forged by the greatest blacksmith in all of Edolas. A single block will rock the heavens, and herald ultimate destruction.

In response, Erza, uses her requimp magic, unleashing an enormous amount of magic energy as her armour changes, Within the pillar, Erza's eyes glow a crimson red colour. Once the energy dissipated, Erza donned pink armour and had Seigetsu on her dominant right hand, and a Fairy sword on the other.

Erza: Armadura Fairy, my strongest armour. It's named after my guild because it embodies all the qualities I love about Fairy Tail. But that's not all, this sword on my right hand, is named Seigetsu, this katana belongs to my beloved Drake, and I'll use this same weapon to defeat you!

Edolas Erza scrowled at the mention of Drake's name.

Edolas Erza:I see, then I can't wait to shatter that blade! Then you'll realise just how useless of of a man he truly is!

Erza:He is far from useless, Drake has saved our lives more times that I can count, he's helped change the lives of so many! I will not sit, hear, and allow someone with my face to insult that man that I love!

Edolas Erza:Oh yeah, then come at me!

They both then charged at one another at blinding speed, putting all of their magic energy into their final attacks.


Erza:No, just you!GETSUGA TENSHOU!!

Both fighters unleashed their final attacks, causing a huge explosion that destroyed the ancient ruins. As a result, all that was left was just a piece of ground that both Erza's stood on. As for the Erza's, they both sustained a lot of damage from the clash; their clothes were torn a, Knightwalker's spear was destroyed, and Erza's armour was destroyed, but Seigetsu was still in tact with no sign of damage whatsoever.

Edolas Erza:It can't be... The Ravelt's been destroyed.

Erza:And it seems the island was obliterated by the shockwave of our clash.

Edolas Erza:And from the looks of it, we're both out of magic power.

Erza remains silent as she stares at her edolas counterpart.

Edolas Erza:What's your next scarlet? Are you going to strike me down?

Erza:No, far from it.

Erza uses the last bit of magic energy to make Seigetsu disappear

Erza:There's no need to fight any longer; it's clear to the both of us who is the victor.

Edolas Erza looks down as she smirks.

Edolas Erza:You fool!

Edolas Erza rushes at Erza and throws a punch, only for Erza to dodge it and respond with a left hook, that smashes into her face. She throws a couple more punches and kicks, but Knightwalker was able to dodge them despite being fatigued, and responds with her own left punch that land on Erza's face, sending her back a few feet.

Edolas Erza:Curse you! Everlasting magic power is at stake, I won't lose!

Ediolasd Erza tackles Erza to the ground, grabs her head, and smashes it to the ground, stunning her.

Erza:How could you live with yourself knowing the number of lives you took to gain that power?!

Erza kicks Knightwalker off.

Erza:You're so obsessed with it! You do hate anything, hate and oppress, plunder and kill!

Edolas Erza:That's human nature, the weak die and the strong survive.

As they both rose up, Erza delivered an uppercut to Knightalkers chin, and she grunted in pain.

Erza:Bullsh*t! Human beings are full of love and compassion. It's our nature to stand up to those we hold dear, and to take up arms to protect our suffering comrades.

Both Erza grabbed each other's arms and put themselves in a stalemate, trying to push the other back.

Erza: Tell me! How are you not moved by the screams of the exceeds can't you hear them?!

Knightwalker, gains the uper hand of the grapple, and moves Erza closer , to deliver a knee to her chin, , knocking her back.

Edolas Erza:I can hear them loud and clear. But it's the only way for the Kingdom to regain it's magic power! We have no choice, we can't survive without it!

Erza:You're wrong! It's people, not power that matters!

Erza throws Knightwalker down.

Edolas Erza:It may be true where your from, but not here. You have a wealth of magic power. You can never understand!...

Knightwalker rushes at Erza and throws punches, and Erza does her best to block them despite how exhausted she is.

Edolas Erza:What's it's like to live your life in fear of losing it! Because you never been without it! If you felt the desperation that comes from being powerless, you'd understand why we need to live!

Erza grabs knightwalkers arms to stop her punches.

Erza:If that were true we'd be dead right now but we're not! You don't need magic power to survive.

Knightwalkers eyes widened.

Erza:The two of us have run out of it, but we're still alive. It's nice to have magic but it's not vital. You must overcome your fear, don't let your anxiety and despair rule you, that's what it means to be alive, trust me Erza! I can see it in your eyes, you possess my strengths as well as my weakness, that means deep down you must possess the same loving heart I do, don't let that be overshadowed by your greed. I may not know what happened between you and your Drake, but do you really believe he is as bad as you claim. Or were you so blinded by your anger that you couldn't see the bigger picture!

Suddenly Knightwalker's mind drifts back to a moment earlier today, where she was talking to Earthland Drake in the prison cell in the castle.


A/N: THis dialogue takes place in the chapter, Exceeds Ture nature.

Edolas Erza kicked Drake into a separate cell, however, Drake's hands were cuffed up, and his physical strength wasn't enough to break out of them.

Edolas Erza: Just knowing you share the same face as him, really pisses me off.

Drake stands up, and looks at Erza.

Drake: Now, Erza, I know you have a grudge against Edolas me, but you have to understand-Urg!

Before Drake could finish, Edolas Erza dashed at him and kneed him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He grabbed his face only to then land a hard punch to his face sending him to the wall and pinned him.

Edolas Erza: Oh, I understand plenty. I understand that the man I once loved was responsible for the death of my sister!

Drake: You know that's not true!

Edolas Erza: And what do you know?!

Drake: Edolas Drake told me everything that happened that day: how Elsie died, how you two split up... You can blame him for what happened all you want, but deep down, you know what happened to Elsie wasn't his fault!

Edolas Erza: Tsk.

Edolas Erza turned and was about to walk away until Drake spoke up.

Drake: But that does not mean he doesn't regret what happened that day; even though he didn't cause her death, he feels guilty for not being able to save her aswell asl the other friends you've lost. He thought about your advice to surrender to the King, but he knew that if all surrendered, you would've been executed for disobeying his laws.

Edolas Erza still had her back turned and spoke up.

Edolas Erza: If the King really wanted us dead for disobeying his laws, then how is it that I'm still alive?

Drake: I'm not entirely sure myself, but If I had to guess, it's probably because he planned to use you the moment you stepped into the castle.

Edolas Erza: What do you mean?

Drake: Think about Erza, why else would the King have let you live even after rejecting his authority for years? it's because he knew who you were, he knew you were a part of Fairy Tail and so he allowed you to live but only if you joined his ranks and hunt down the members of your former guildmates, and since you already vowed to get revenge on Edolas me that only fuelled your resolve in going after them, am I right?

Edolas Erza stays silent for a moment before speaking up.

Edolas Erza: You're sharp; that is what happened, but even so my resolve hasn't changed...

Edolas Erza turned, and Drake could see the pure hatred in her eyes.

Edolas Erza: I will have my vengeance, even if it means killing every... last... one of them.

Drake: And you think Elsie would be okay with that?!

The next moment, Erza thrusts her spear forward aiming for Drake's face, but instead she hits the wall beside his head leaving a small crater, however Drake didn't flinch at all.

Edolas Erza: Say her name again and I'll slit your throat.

Drake: Not until you hear me out...I know you're hurting Erza, I know you are angry but this is not the way you deal with her death!

Edolas Erza: And what do you know, huh!? How could you possibly understand what it's like to lose someone you love!

Drake: You think you're the only one that's suffering?! Everyone in Fairy Tail lost someone that day, not just you! I get that your sister meant a lot to you and that she was your only family left, but that isn't true. She was family to the rest of your guildmates, and like you, they also suffered the loss of someone they loved, including Drake! Instead of being by each other's side to mourn, you closed yourself off and unfairly put all of the blame of your sister's death onto someone you loved!

Edolas Erza started to tremble a little as she looked down at the ground, as she pulled the spear out of the wall.

Edolas Erza: I....I...

Drake: I should be the last person to say this, but I know what you're going through, Erza... You see, 2 years ago, I lost someone very dear to me, someone I loved very much.,,, Her name was Lisanna Strauss.....

Edolas Erza's eyes widened as she was shocked by the sudden news.

Drake: I was unaware of the news of her death until I returned to the guild after taking a job. Once I got there, the wholeguild'ss mood changed. Instead of being the rowdy bunch they were, everyone was in tears, and then I saw Elfman and Mirajane,ho seemed to be in the most pain, and that's when I put two and two together and figured out Lisanna had died. When I did, I felt a piece of myself shatter, I felt heartbroken; someone I loved died, and I wasn't able to protect her, even though I promised I would protect the girls with my life.

Suddenly, Drake's eyes were overwhelmed with tears.

Drake: After that, I isolated myself from the others for a while, even though it wasn't my fault I always felt guilty for not keeping my promise to Lisanna, I felt weak, I felt like I didn't deserve her, that she could've found someone better, someone worthy of being by her side. But that didn't last long, as there was one person who brought me back into the light....

Edolas Erza: W-Who would that be?

Drake: It was you, Erza.

Edolas Erza's eyes widened in shock.

Edolas Erza: W-What?

Drake: Well, not you, but my Erza, if I never joined Fairy Tail, I never would have met such a wonderful woman. She's the reason I was able to bounce back whenever I felt down, but it wasn't just her; it was all of the girls... Even Mirajane. When Mira told me that she didn't blame me for what happened to Lis, I felt relieved. That's when I realised that I should never hold the pain all by myself, for the sorrow we felt is everyone's sorrow, and the tears we weep become everyone's tears. In the end, I chose to accept the help of my friends and my lovers to keep me from going down a dark path.

Drake took a step forward, and Edolas Erza got cautious and pointed the spear at him, but suddenly she felt as if she didn't want to hurt him, like all the rage was seeping away. Drake grabbed her spear and slowly took it out of her hands.

Drake: Something you should've done when Elsie died! But instead, you chose to blindly blame the one man who gave up everything to ensure you all were safe! It was hard, but he did everything he could! But your hatred blinded you from seeing the truth!

Edolas Erza: What truth?

Drake: Erza, you know, Drake wasn't responsible for her death. You shouldn't be mad at him; you should be mad at the one who killed her!!!

Erza: Killed? But-

Drake: The one you should be angry with is Ace Ganon; he was the one that killed her, not Drake!

Edolas Erza: And how do you know?

Drake: Like I said before, Edolas Drake told me everything; he's felt guilty about not being able to save her ever since, especially not being able to keep his promise to protect you and the others. He's sorry for not listening to you in the first place. But even if you did give up your magic, the King would've killed you all anyway!

Edolas Erza loosened her grip on Drake.

Edolas Erza: Is this true? Is all you said the truth?

Suddenly Drake gave her a warm hug, surprising her. She wanted to get him off him, but she felt as if she shouldn't; she missed this warm feeling in her.

Drake: It....is... Look, I'm sorry for what happened to your sister. I understand you two were close, but it wasn't okay for you to put all the blame on Drake!

Edolas Erza stayed quiet for a moment, and suddenly tears started to flow from her eyes.

Edolas Erza: W-What have I done?

Then Edolas Erza began to cry and hugged Earthland Drake back, letting out all of the emotions she felt at that moment. After a few minutes, she was done.

Edolas Erza: How could I have been so stupid?!

Drake: We all can't think straight once a beloved friend or lover is taken away from you... But the best we can do is move on.

Edolas Erza: I don't think that's possible for me.

Drake: Why do you think that?

Edolas Erza: I-I killed a lot of my guildmates—no, my friends... I cannot be forgiven for the sins I have done.

Drake: Listen, Erza, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that no matter what you've done..... no matter the sins, Fairy Tail will always welcome you with open arms, because that's what a true family is supposed to do.

Suddenly Edolas Erza started snorting and giggled a bit.

Drake: Huh? What's so funny?

Edolas Erza: N-Nothing it's just, I felt a hint of deja-vu when you said those words.

Drake: I see. So Erza, let me ask you something.

Edolas Erza: What is it?

Drake: Where does your loyalty lie? Are you with King... or do you side beside your friends?–

Edolas Erza: That's a dumb question, don't you thin?,Off course I side with my friends, and, now that I know the truth, I know who to fight for....

Drake: That's good, but you didn't have to hit me, y'know.

Edolas Erza: Well, I felt like it was necessary.

Drake: -_- 'She's way more aggressive than my Erza and a total tsundere.'

Edolas Erza cupped Drake's cheeks, feeling bad for beating brutally, She wiped the blood off his face.

Edolas Erza: And listen, Drake, you may not be the one I know, but I'm... I'm sorry-guah!

The screen cuts to black ending the flashback.


Edolas Erza: 'I remember now that all these years I've let my anger and greed take over , and in turn I lost sight of myself and made made the people I loved suffer... epesecially Drake. How could I have been so stupid?!'

Erza then notices tears welling up on Knightwalkers face.

Erza:I promise you're not alone.

The platform they were on both stood on, eventually crashed into the ground near the battle between Edolas Fairy Tail and the royal army, and it caught their attention.

Lucy:Did you see that?

Edolas Lucy:Something just crashed into the ground.

Glory:Was that Erza?

Edolas Drake hears the name of her former lover, and looks to the crashsite.

Edolas Drake: 'Erza's here?!'... Lucy!


Edolas Drake:No, I mean—Tch, nevermind. Take the lead on the attack. I'm going to go check on Erza and make sure she's alright.

Edolas Lucy:Drake, hold on, are you sure about this? It could be dangerous!

Edolas Drake:Dangerous or not, this may be the only chance to get her back, and I don't want to lose it.

Edolas Lucy thinks for a moment, then ;looks back at Drake.

Edolas Lucy:Go! We'll hold them off for you!

Edolas Drake smiles before giving Edolas Lucy a quick kiss before taking off, leaving her to blush in embarrassment.

Edolas Lucy:Hey, don't just kiss me so suddenly; we're in the middle of a battlefield!

Edolas Drake:Heh, sorry.

Edolas Ace:Do you mind if I join in?

Drake turns to see Edolas Ace by his side.

Edolas Ace:I also have a few words to share with her.

Edolas Drake:The more, the merrier.

Both Edolas Drake and Ace exited the battlefield to find the two Erza's. Speaking of the Erza's, they were both lying down in a crater, unable to move.

Edolas Erza:Great, we don't even have strength left to move now?

Erza:Either way, we're still alive.

Edolas Erza:I thought hard, but it was clear I was no match for you. You win, Scarlet.

Erza:I don't think it's fair to declare a victor; you and I are the same.

Edolas Erza: *smiles*Hmph, that's true.

~Back At The Arena~

Everyone got back up and stood beside Drake, ready to fight another round.

Faust:Can't you see that you're just wasting your energy? There's no defeating me and my Dorma Anim! I have complete control over the magic energy in this world! Therefore, I am able to do with it as I please!!

The Dorma Anim started firing a barrage of magic bullets at the Dragon Slayers, but they all dodged out of the way.

Gajeel:You should share it with your people instead of hogging it all to yourself, you greedy geezer!

Nashi:If you think you're indestructible, I've got news for ya! We're going to take you and that fake dragon down!


Wendy fired a breath attack from her mouth towards the Dorma Anim but it was easily blocked with it's shield.

Faust:Gahahaha! How many times must I tell you not to waste your magic power? I hate to think how much your attacks are affecting my supply.

Drake:Your supply? Get real! Our Magic belongs to us! It's not for you or anyone else's!

Drake gathers magic energy into his hand and shaped it into a energy blade.


Drake jumps onto and swipes his sword on Dorma Anim's back, leaving a few scratches and small cuts. Suddenly the Dorma Anim glowed red, and bright rays of light shot out. One ray hit Drake and sent him flying off of the Dorma Anim's back, and he recovered and stayed in the air.

Drake:What the heck is going on now?

Faust:It's only a matter of time now! You're lives and powers are my spoils of war! Gahahaha!

Nashi:Not if we stop you!

Nashi leaped up to the Dorma Anim.


Nashi creates streams of flames from her arms and swings them down to attack the Dorma Anim, but Faust quickly parries the attack with his shield and uses the same shield to hit Nashi, sending her flying. Gajeel was then up next to attack.


Gajeel attempts to attack Dorma Anim with his sword, but the strike is blocked by the armour blades, clashing with Gajeel momentarily before flinging him across the Colosseum. Faust then fires beams of magic towards Ace, Tai, and Wendy; they all narrowly dodged it, but they got caught in the explosion, taking some damage.

Faust:Earthland Wizards are a fortunate lot indeed; they possess an unimaginable amount of magical power because they are born with an infinite spring of magic. Then there are the dragon slayers. Your powers surpass even the most absurd concepts of limitation. That power will belong to me! With it, I can soon replenish this world's supply!*Laugh*It appears you couldn't live up to your name sake! As long as I possess the Dorma Anim, I am God, and my army will pave a path of conquest in both worlds I will rain surpreme.

They started to get up again, which Faust noticed.

Faust:I see you have some fight left in you. Your power is truly remarkable, and I shall savour every ounce of it! Prepare yourselves, Dragon Slayers!!

With a swipe from it's right arm, the areas under the Dragon Slayers exploded suddenly, sending them all into the sky, screaming out in pain. They landed on the ground again, grimacing in pain.

Faust:I need more... I call to thee Heaven and Earth, I ask that you relinquish all your magic power to the Dorma Anim!

Even more Dark Magic Energy began to flow in from the environment again and into the Dorma Anim's sword.

Faust:I can feel it! The last remnants of Edolas' Magic power are vanishing! That means your time is up! I must harvest your power immediately!

Ace:Drake, I don't know about you, but I think this situation's become dire enough; we have to end this now!

Drake:Right! And I think I know just what to do.

Drake rises up and walks forward to confront Faust, once again.

Faust:So you still have some fight left in you? I thought your spirits would be broken by now, I guess your a lot tougher than I thought!! However... THAT WILL NOT STOP ME FROM ACHIEVING MY GOAL OF EVERLASTING MAGIC POWER!

Drake: *Click*

Drake snaps his fingers, dispersing the magic energy being absorbed into Dorma Anim, shocking both Faust and the rest of the slayers.

Ace: 0_0That's new.

Drake:Well, what do you know?It really did work.

Faust:W-What the!? You! What was that!? What did you do?!

Drake:That was Star Drain; it's a spell I learned a while back. It allows the user to absorb the magic energy of the surrounding area and even other wizards. It can also be used to cancel and negate other absorption abilities, like the one you used for Dorma Anim. Now you'll no longer be able to abuse the magic power of your world. However...

Drake motions his fingers, causing the stolen energy to transfer to himself and the others, replenishing their magic back to 100% capacity.

Drake:We'll use that same power against you!

Gajeel:What's going on now?

Wendy:Our magic's been fully restored.

Nashi:Alright! Now we can go all out!

Faust:That... This can't be!!

Drake:Alright guys, I think we've all had enough of being pushed around, so what do you say we teach that bastard a lesson and make him realise just how strong we Dragon Slayers really are? And why should you never mess with our friends?!

Wendy, Nashi, Gajeel, Ace, and Tai:Yeah!

Drake:Well, then Slayers... Let's show him what we're made of! HAAAAAAA!!!

Drake let's out a wild roar as he unleashes his magic energy.


The Slayers roared as they unleashed their magic energy to it's highest extent, causing the ground beneath them to shake and causing the rubble of the colosseum to float. The pressure of their magic energy was even pushing back Dorma Anim, as he was shocked by the extent of their strength.

Faust:What is this? Where is all this magic power coming from!?


The Dragon Slayer's bodies undergo a physical change; their hair changed colour and Dragon Scales surrounded their bodies as their magic energy grew higher and higher, and once it reached it's peak, six pillars of energy shot out of the sky, alerting everyone who was close to the action.

Soon the lights disappeared revealing Drake, Ace, Tai, Nashi, Gajeel and Wendy, who had all entered a new stage of power.


Fairy Tail: Primal Ascendance - Chapter 36 - OmniNexus (1)

Faust looked surprised, but his grin grew larger.

Faust:So you were holding out on me, were you? I knew you six were special, but I never imagined you had this much power! Now I just crave it more! You all have an abundance of the one thing we desire most. The citizens of my kingdom have no use for guilds; they serve no purpose; all they need is everlasting magic power, and I am determined to give them to my people. I want them to experience the bliss you Earthlanders have kept for yourselves! Fight me as hard as you want, but I will not rest until all your magic power is mine!

Drake:Well, if you insist.

Drake was the first to move as he took his first step forward, and he instantly teleported in front of Dorma Anim's head with his fist reeled back, surprising Faust as he wasn't aware Drake could move at such speed.

Faust:W-What the!?


Drake swung his fist upward, delivering a massive uppercut punch, shattering Dorma Anim's jaw as he sent the Dragon Armour flying high in the air. Drake followed after the Dragon Armour and reeled back his fist and slammed it down on the torso of the armour, sending it back down to the ground.

Before it reached the ground, Wendy and Nashi rushed in, preparing a team attack that rushed in at supersonic speed.

Nashi:Let's do this, little sis!


Wendy grabbed hold of Nashi's arm as she activated the spell. Within a blink of an eye, both girls appeared right in front of the Droma Anim. Wendy landed a kick, while Nashi landed a punch. Then they both started unleashing an onslaught of punches and kicks, not allowing any chances for Faust to fight back. The combined forces severely damaged the armour, and their last attacks sent it flying once more; however, the girls weren't done.


Wendy and Nashi convinced their magic to perform a unison raid. Wendy used her wind to fire a tornado, which in turn was amplified by Nashi's flames. This attack consumed Faust, and with no way of defending himself, his armour melted due to the intense heat of the attack, decreasing his defence.

Faust:Damn you!

Faust uses the reserve energy left in the armour to activate the energy shield, then spouted wings to charge at Nashin and Wendy.

Faust:You may have gotten some hits in, but I promise you, that will be your last!

Faust was about to charge at Nashi, but someone from behind grabbed the tail of the armour.

Ace:Where do you think you're going?

Ace, who was revealed to be the one grabbing the tail of Dorma Anim, spun him around a few times before throwing Faust straight into the mountain of a floating island.

Faust:Grr! Why you!

Faust gets back up and activates Dorma Anim's dragon wings to fly into the air as he launches forward at the slayers.


Faust uses one of Droma Anim's new weapons to fire an endless barrage of energy blasts towards Ace and the others.


Dragon Slayers:Right!

The slayers dispersed, flying around in multiple directions, with many of the energy blasts chasing after them. The group spead out in multiple directions, trying to shake off the energy blast, which led to multiple islands within the area being destroyed in the process.

As the chase continued on with no end to the blasts, they glanced and nodded at one another, meaning they were all thinking of the same thing. Drake and the Slayers then switched their direction to Faust, flying towards him with the missiles on their tails. Faust took notice of this and was confused.

Faust:What are they planning?

Drake and others were then right in front of him and gave him the peace sign.

Drake:Have fun, Faust!


Out of nowhere, the slayers disappeared right before his eyes, confusing him momentarily, before he noticed the energy blast he fired coming right towards him.

Faust:Sonava BIT-

However, he was cut off as the attacks collided with him, causing a huge explosion, which sent him flying elsewhere, with the Dorma Anim also sustaining a lot of damage. However, the fight was not yet over, and the Dragon Slayers assault continued, with Tai and Gajeel rushing in for their attack.



With their attacks, Tai and Gajeel unleashed a barrage of slashes, cutting up the Dorma Anim's arm, then the legs, but leaving the torso and head in tack.


Ace came rushing in, his fist coated in black lightning. And he lands a critical punch to the Torso.


Ace's attack unleashes a surge of energy throughout the armour, frying it's systems and causing them to shut down. Ace then flicks Dorma Anim, sending it flying in the direction of the colosseum.


Ace yells out to Drake, A light shimmers from the sky, and we zoom in to see Drake descending from the depths of space, charging towards the Dorma Anim beyond the speed of light, like a meteor.

Drake: GOT IT!

Faust:This is impossible! The Dorma Anim is the pinnacle of magic and the ultimate weapon. How can I, the King, be losing to a bunch of lousy children?!!

Drake:We're not just kids; we are children the strongest species known to man, and it's time you realised just how terrifying we dragons can be!GALAXY DRAGON SECRET ART!!!

Drake reeled back his fist, channelling an enormous amount of magic energy to deliver the final blow.


Drake thrusts his fist forward, triggering an explosion of energy in the form of a Galaxy Dragon. The mere sight of this attack was enough to make Faust freeze in fear of his life.

Faust:Tch! I will not go out like this; I'll use every bit of power I have to finish you!DRAGON RIDER ROAR!

Faust uses all the magic energy left in the armour to fire a breath attack towards Drake. The attack collides with Drake's dragon fist; however, it was strong enough to quickly overwhelm the blast.


Drake closes in and pierces through the armour's torso, leaving a gaping hole. Within the attack, Drake had Faust in his left hand, screaming in terror as the Dorma Anim exploded behind them.

With the results of the battle, it was clear the dragon slayers had one, and they all smiled, knowing they were victorious.

Nashi:Ah, right!

Wendy:That was awesome, big bro!

Gajeel:I'll admit that attack was pretty cool.

Tai:Indeed, it's quite fitting for the future king to deliver the final blow.

Drake slowly descended down with Faust still held in his left hand before letting him drop to the ground. Despite the pain from the fall, Faust quickly rose up, but once again froze in feat as he stared at Drake's gleaming and ferocious dragon eyes.

Faurt: 'With this power, I can't believe I was so obsessed with possessing something this terrifying.'

As Faust kept staring at Drake, who was still in his Dragon Force transformation, he stated seeing visions of him being all minster-like, and he looked at the Ace, Nashi, Wendy, Gajeel, and Tai, who approached the terrified old man and started seeing the silhouettes of dragons behind all six slayers standing before him.

He was so overwhelmed with fear that Faust ended up fainting and losing consciousness. The slayers looked at each other confused, then snickered between one another, then high-fived for a job well done, and moments later they all de-transformed. Nashi, Wendy, and Gajeel, however, seemed to be the most exhausted.

Stop Music

Wendy: *pant*Who knew that using Dragon Force could be so tiring?

Nashi:Yeah, I don't think I've got much of a fire left in me.

Gajeel:Would you quit it with the catch phrase already!?

Gajeel then holds his head in pain.

Drake:You'll get used to it after more training. But I will say that was a pretty stellar performance for your first try, you three.

Ace:So, what do you do now?

Drake:Well, since we completed our mission of saving our friends and the rest of the citizens of Magnolia, we have to gather others and return home.

Ace:And how exactly are we supposed to get home? Last time I checked, we only managed to get here because of the Anima.

Drake:We can use my teleportation magic.

Wendy:Oh right, your teleportation magic is not limited to just Earthland; you can teleport across different dimensions too.


Tai:Well, at least we won't have to worry about how to get home. However...

Tai glances at the unconscious Faust, and everyone else does the same.

Tai:What do we do with him?

Drake:We'll take the old bastard back to Jellal; if anyone has the right to decide his fate, it should be him. After all, he's the son of this sorry excuse of a father.

Gajeel:That sounds fair.

Then, all of a sudden, the ground began to shake violently.

Nashi:E-Eh?! What's going on?

Gajeel:Please don't tell me those are reinforcements.

Wendy:No, much worse; look up there!

They all looked up at the sky and saw all of the floating islands in Edolas falling down towards the ground.

Nashi:The floating islands are falling.

Drake:It's not just that; the magic energy of Edolas'... it's fading away.

One by one, the floating islands crashed into the ground.

Nashi:How does that explain the islands falling?

Ace:I believe Edolas' magic energy is what kept them floating for all these years. Now that all the magic is vanishing, the islands lack the energy source to sustain there current position.

A bright yellow stream of magic came out of the ground, floating up into the sky.

Gajeel:What is that?!

Wendy:It's the magic energy of Edolas, but I don't understand. Who or what is causing all of this?

Drake:Let's not dwell on it now. Let's head back to the royal city and help the people. Whatever's going on, it's going to cause a lot of confusion and panic. We need to make sure no one get's hurt because of it.

The others agreed and followed Drake, who was carrying Faust back to the royal city, to help the people there.



Jellal was currently in a large chamber, and in front of him was a large stream of magic flying upward. Pantherlily and Momiji stood behind him. Pantherlily currently has bandages wrapped around where he was shot, thanks to Momiji's medical expertise.


Jellal:This is for the best Lily. For years, people have fought over power. I tried to warn them, but they couldn't let go of temptation. Now, I am removing that temptation. The last of Edolas's magic energy will pour into the reverse Anima to Earthland, to become a part of nature with the already abundant magic there. For the sake of Edolas' future, it must first be brought to ruin.

Nadi silently listened from the shadows.

The people all over Edolas began to panic and despair as the magic was drained from their world. The rivers that were once floating in the sky are now falling to the ground.

Momiji:Your Highness, I agree that our dependence on magic has led to bloodshed, but this...

Jellal:I know... The people of Edolas have a hard road to tread. Many will find it difficult to adapt to the changes in this world and could die as a result. It is for that reason that a leader must step forward and guide them. A new ruler for a brand new Edolas. One who can gather the desparate and frightened and bravely guide them in this time of darkness.

Pantherlily:And you're saying that this new leader is you?

Jellal:No, I can't rule this world. Instead of growing with Edolas as it's prince, I've chosen to reside in Earthland, so I have no right to claim it's throne. Edolas will need a hero to unify the masses—one who vanquished the villain who caused this.

Pantherlily:You mean the sacrificial lamb?

Jellal:Whoever eliminates the one who plunged the world into chaos is bound to become a true hero to the people, and that hero will unify the scattered survivors and be their new ruler.

Pantherlily:Then, who is playing what role?

Jellal:Look, the writing is on the wall. I tried to overthrow the King with an armed rebellion and now stripped this world of its magic power and plunged it into chaos. It should be obvious that since I am the man behind these terrible deeds, there is only one role I could possibly play. Lily, Momiji, you both are respected on both sides; you can be exempt of prejudice; you are the heroes! Slay me and become Edolas' King and Queen!

Lili and Momiji stared at Jellal in absolute shock, having a hard time finding the words to say.

Jellal:Take me before the people and execute me for my crimes; after that, they will follow you to any fate! As leaders of the Royal Army and members of the Exceed and Tengu races, you can quell the chaos and become their saviour! You are the rulers they need! Lead the people into a world without magic!

Momiji:Are you out of your mind?!

Pantherlily:Momiji's right! Do you really think the only way to save this kingdom is for you to die?! Answer me, prince!!!

The Dragon Slayers arrived in the city and witnessed the citizens in panic. Drake had Faust, who was unconscious still, slung over his shoulder.

Drake:My Arceus...

Ace:Yeah, the entire city is losing its mind. How are we supposed to help them?

Nadi:At last, I found you!

Nadi came flying down next to the Dragon Slayers; he was losing control and started falling until Tai caught him.

Tai:Gotcha! What's the rush? did something!?

Nadi:*pant*I bring you urgent news! Prince Jellal is the cause of all the chaos occurring in Edolas.

Dragon Slayer:WHAT?!

Wendy:There's no way! Jellal would never do that!

Nadi:I'm afraid it's true, but that's not all. Jellal intends to use himself as a scapegoat; he wants to use the chaos to paint himself as the villain so that the people can have a reason to blame him for the disappearance of magic and have Panther Lily and Momiji strike him down. He's going to sacrifice himself!!!

Wendy clenches her fist as tears start dropping from her eyes.

Wendy:That idiot! Is this really how you want to go out?

Wendy suddenly feels a hand on top of her head and looks to see if it was Drake.

Drake:He's not going to die, you hear me? I won't allow Jellal to end things like this.


Drake then looks back at the others.

Drake:What do you guys say we change the script in Jellal's little play?

Ace:If it prevents him from dying, then I'm down.

Tai:Me too. I may not have known the guy for long, but I do consider him a friend.

Gajeel:I second that.

Nashi:You can count on us, Drake.

Drake smiles.

Drake:Thanks guys, now does anyone have an idea?

Nashi thinks for a moment before a lightbulb appears above her head, and she raises her hand.

Nashi:Oh! Oh! I have one!#

Drake:Okay, Nashi, shoot.

Nashi:What if, instead of Jellal being the scapegoat, we become the scapegoat ourselves?

Ace:How do you suppose we do that?

Nashi goes on to explain the idea, and in the end, everyone agreed to the plan.So,o using his magic, Drake creates costumes for everyone to wear.

With all that, the slayer put the pan in motion and went into town to cause a ruckus,destroying small parts of the royal city where no one was, to avoid prevent any harm to the townsfolk. Jellal, Pantherlily and Momiji were watching Slayers needless destruction after hearing reports from the knights. Drake placed Faust on a stone pillar and tied him to it.

Drake: *Evil Laugh*

Ace: 0_0Wow, he is really taking this seriously.

Tai:For some reason I feel like this is foreshadowing something?

Drake:Good evening, citizens of Edolas. I am the Demon King, known as Aetherion!

Nashi: *Fake Evil Laugh*and I am the Demon King's wife; you may call me Dragneel

Drake & Nashi:And we're here to steal all your magic power!!!

The people that still lingered in the town watched them in fear. Edolas' Fairy Tail came by and saw what they were doing.

Drake:You're precious King, has failed you! He foolishly went up against me and my brethren, and suffered a major defeat.

Nashi:He barely put up much of a fight.

Drake:We could've finished off before, but we decided. What better way to cause despair than to publicly execute the precious champion you all look up too!!!!

The people eyes widened in fear, for Drake plans to execute the King in front of them.

Drake:However, that won't happen just yet, for we still plan on having a bit more fun. Dragneel, Redfox, Xiao-Long, Vanguard and Xenova!IT'S TIME TODESTROY THE CITY!!!!

Gajeel leaps into action and destroys a part of the roof using his Iron Dragon Sword. Ace's eyes shines a crimson colour, and then suddenly many of the buildings in the city crumbled into dust. Tai uses Celestial Dragon Rising Storm, to fire a hailstorm of energy bullets, to destroy more buildings in the area. Wendy uses her Sky magic to make tornados, and Nashi was throwing fire around to scare off the people.

Edolas Tai and Edolas who were within the crowd realized what the slayers were up too and played along.

Edolas Gajeel:These villains won't stop until they've destroyed everything in sight!

Edolas Tai:The city is under attack by demons from another world!

Tai looked down and saw Wendy struggling to scare a little boy away. He chuckles before teleporting behind her.

Wendy:Rawr, you better run!

The boy looked on in confusion before Drake and Tai suddenly appeared behind her,giving the young boy the scariest glair he's even seen. They both entered their Dragons force transformations showing off the scales and fangs. The little boy was frightened by their appearance and ran away from Wendy. Drake silently vanished and appeared on the roof again, and Tai remained behind her.


Tai:It's okay, bluey. It's hard for some one as adorable as you to be scary.

Wendy turns to Tai as she blushes.

Wendy: *blush*You think I'm adorable!?

Edolas Gajeel:Just look at them! They're an unstoppable force of evil!

Edolas Tai:They're even flirting right in front of the kids!


After much convincing from Edolas Tai and Gajeel, the citizens of Edolas started to believe Drake and the others were their enemies.

Edolas Citizens:"They're to blame form this! They're the ones that stole Edolas' magic power" "It's all because of those Demon King Aetherion and Demon Queen, Dragneel!" "Unforgivable!" "Give us our magic back!"

Nashi:Better be careful! Cause you know what happens when you play with fire...

Drake and Nashi then launched a combined breath attack of flames into the sky.

Drake:You get burned!

Mystogan: *Yelling*DRAKE! NASHI! STOP THIS NOW!!!

They stopped roaring and looked off towards the castle.

Edolas Citizens:"Is someone challenging them?" "He's over there in the Castle Tower!"

Drake:And who are you to tell me what to do, you mortal!

Mystogan:The king has already been defeated! There's no need to hurt innocent people!

Drake & Nashi:Oh yeah?!

The twon then launched aatcks to the ground, near them people.

Mystogan:No! Don't!

Drake:If that's your attempt at scaring us, then you're gonna have to force! Even if you are the prince, you will not stop us!

Edolas Citizen:"Wait, he's the prince?"

Edolas Citizen 2:"Could it really be him?"

Edolas Gajeel:But the prince vanished 7 years ago... Prince Jellal is back!

Edolas Citizens:"He's returned!?" "Just in time too!"

Drake:Fight us prince!

Nashi:That is unless, you want your city to burn to the ground!

Mystogan:Drake! Nashi! You two stay right there!

Jellal leaps down from the Castle tower and ran through the city with his staff in hand.

Drake: 'And with that the story has been rewritten. Now Jella, now is your time to play the hero and not a needless sacrifice.'

Edolas Gajeel:There goes the prince! Is he really going to fight those monsters all by himself?!

Edolas Tai:What unbelievable courage!

As Jellal approached the slayers. The citizens went on to compliment Jellal as well as give him words of encouragement.

As Jellal ran he began to approach Gajeel and Wendy.

Wendy: Long time no see, Jellal.

Jellal:I don not have time for these games, Wendy!NOW SLEEP!

Jellal activates his staff, but it was drained of all it's magic energy.

Jellal: 'The Reverse Anima must have taken my power away!'

Drake:Aw, is the Prince's magic power running dry, that's quite unfortunate.. Because I have plenty!!

Both Drake and Nashi exert their magic energy, making itso intense that it caused the building theyur stood on to crumble apart. Before it fell they both leaped of the building and stood in front of Ace, Tai, Gajeel and Wendy.

Jellal:I said stop!

Wendy:Drake! Big Sis! You're going way too far!

Gajeel:No, they're not. The more powerful the villains magic seems to everyone, the stronger the hero looks when they beat them with no magic at all.

Ace:It's a clique way of story telling, but it works, excites the children, more when the heroes win even when their backs are against the wall.

Drake and Nashi stood over a huge pile of rubble as Jellal stood in front of them.

Jellal:Listen to me, both of you. You're making a big mistake with all this, putting on big show. You can't expect the people to be fooled so easily.

Drake: 'Worked out so far. Now up next is the battle between Good and Evil.'

Drake turns to Nashi.

Drake:Dear, you mind?

Nashi:Hmph!, Go right ahead, darling~

Drake looks at Jellal abnd smirks evilly.

Drake:Prince Jellal! I challenge you!

Drake moves at incredible speed and appears in front of Jellal with his fist reeled back shocking him. He then launched his fist at Jellal and landed a heavy right hook across his face, sending him flying backwards and onto the ground.

Jellal:You fool! You can't bring the people together like this! Through evil!

Jellal got back up to punch Drake, but Drake easily caught the punch.

Drake:Take. This. Seriously. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to the people of this Kingdom. Is that what you want, Princ-

Drake was silenced, and as Jellal decided to retaliate, he leaned forward slightly, lifting his left foot around his back to hit Drake in the face. The people started to cheer for Jellal as he was finally gaining the upper hand.

Drake:Heh, now that's more like it!

Jellal:Idiot! You should have stayed down!

Drake:You and I both know, that's not my style!

Drake charged at Jellal and punched him right in the stomach. Jellal was stunned for a moment before punching Drake in the face, sending him back a few feet. Drake recovers from the punch and attempts to land an uppercut, but Jellal just barely catches his punch, which was inches away from his chin.

Drake:What do you say I give you one hell of send off!

Jelle's eyes widened.

Drake:Since you're leaving Fairy Tail, you must follow these three rules!

Their fight continued as Drake quoted the Rules for those who wish to leave Fairy Tail.

Drake:One! Never Ever share sensitive information about Fairy Tail with anyone for as long as you live!

Mystogan lands a solid right hook on Drake's face, stunning him, for moment before getting back into the fight with Jellal reciting the next rule.

Jellal:NumberTwo! You must never contact any clients you may have worked with in the Guild for your own personal gain!

Drake and Jellal traded blows, Drake then gained the upperhand and landed a heavy punch to Jellal's stomach, stunning him.

Drake:Three! Though our paths may have drit apart, promise to live your life to the fullest, with everything you got! Never think of yourself as insignificant, and never forget about the your friends you loved- argh!

Jellal punched Drake in the face and continued his retraction.

Jellal:You must treasure them for as long as you live!

Drake recovered from the punch, and got ready to finish the fight, as did Jellal, they both reeled back their fists, putting in all the energy into their final trade off. The two clashed, landing their punches on each other's faces, before (Drake fell over, and Jellal stayed standing.

Drake:Did you get all that? Follow these rules, and there's nothing that you won't be able to do! It was nice to know you Jellal... this is goodbye...

Jellal: *Quietly*Thank you, Drake.

The Citizens of Edolas cheered on at the defeat of the Demon King, Aetherion. A few moments passed, after the fight then all of sudden, all of the Earthland Wizards along with the Exceeds that were turned back to normal started to glow yellow.

Jellal:What's happening?

Wendy:Looks like it's time.

Gajeel:Yeah, I guess our song and dance isn't over yet...

They slowly started to float up into the sky as a result of the Reverse Anima. They saw Lucy, Glory, Happy, Ayumi, Kohaku, Rebecca, Homura right next to them.

Drake:Hey guys!

Ayumi: *gasp*Drake!


Glory:Good to know you guys are alright.

Drake looks at Glory and does a double take realising she wasn't wearing sa bra.

Drake:Glory! Where's your bra!?

Glory:Oh sh*t!

They group then the Edolas Fairy Tail was below them, wondering what to do next.

Glory:I wouldn't worry so much, you guys! It takes more than magic to make a guild! The true heart of a guild is friendship!#


We cut back to the locations of Earthland and Edolas Erza. They were both still lying on the ground. Edolas Drake and Ace were drawing near, but they found it difficult to find them as they barely had any magic power left to trace.

Suddenly, Erza's body also started glowing yellow and started floating in the air. Edoolas Erza just barely managed to get up and look at her Earthland counterpart.

Edolas Erza:Is this it, Scarlet?

Erza:I'm afraid so, Knightalker... No we're both...

Erza & Edolas Erza:Erza.

Erza then started floating higher and higher into the sky.

Erza:Before I go, I must say this: whatever problems you have with your Drake, I hope you two can come into contact with one another. Even though you are angry, you cannot deny that you still love him.

Edolas Erza:Hmph, quit reading my mind and get out of here already.

Erza:Hehe, I expected that. Goodbye Erza.

Edolas Erza:Goodbye... Erza.

With that, Erza floated higher into the sky within the stream of magic energy and disappeared, joining the others. Then Eathlanders said their goodbyes before all of the magic energy and themselves disappeared within the sky.

Erza: I guess that's that.


Edolas Erza jumps a bit before looking towards the direction of the voice, and she is shocked as she realises who it is. Who she saw was none other than Edolas Drake and Ace along with her.

She was still in shock, but soon tears would go down her face as the emotions she had long since closed off started to come back again.

Edolas Erza: *tears*Drake?


Fairy Tail: Primal Ascendance - Chapter 36 - OmniNexus (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.