To be the Black Paramour - Chapter 3 - YazziyousDaydreamer - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Start Chapter 3

Kreacher was having an incredibly busy day dealing with annoyances that wouldn’t have been a bother a hundred years ago. That day he was feeling his age though. Dealing with doxies, man-eating molds and the half-feral old ghoul that had tried to bang the toilet free in the bathroom it liked living in and had made a mess for the poor old elf to fix. Then he had to deal with the arguing of the few portraits he had brought back to the home. After that, he had to comfort a raging mistress Wallyburga who was having one of her screaming fits about the traitor son. He had to repair an ancient lamp before the evil within could escape and after all of that had to work on the back garden if he ever wanted it to be finished in time to start Harrison’s first-year schooling lessons, which the old elf enjoyed probably the most outside of quiet early mornings.

None of those chores that he did he found particularly enjoyable. They cut into his time that he could focus on his sweet little master and care for him which had always been the elf’s favorite thing to do. Kreacher had originally been a personal house elf though and had been bred to be protective and attentive to his masters.

Kreacher actually did enjoy doing everyday chores and tasks. Normal ones like cooking, basic cleaning, and tending to his humans, especially anything that had to do with taking care of Harrison. He liked routine as well and was an elf who was very set in his ways.

Between the mess that was that day, the elf made breakfast for his little master. Thankfully Harrison was a very sweet and understanding little master and was never upset or bothered by the times that Kreacher was busy with other things around the home. That morning though, even with everything going on Kreacher had done his raising of his master well. Getting him ready in the morning. bathed him, then dressed him and styled his hair. Kreacher had then brought Harry to the sitting room on the ground floor for a light breakfast. After that he instructed his little Master on Black history and various important family knowledge and culture and what he knew of the Perevell and Potters. He then brought Harry to the library and had him read various books and made him write essays and work on his penmanship. He would then take him to the portraits to be instructed by the various lords and ladies of the Black House while he took care of making lunch and high tea and the rest of his chores that he now did to keep his Harry as safe as possible.

Between depression and knowing even if anyone were to get the lordship it would now be the traitor, Sirius, Kreacher had been unwilling to clean and maintain everything before. Now that there was someone he wanted to take over the lordship the elf was happy to do his best to clean and maintain Grimmauld and the home was actually willing to work with him again now it had a master who was worthy and loved the place the way it should be. It still wasn’t anywhere near perfect but Kreacher was doing his best and Harry loved Grimmauld as it was.


Kreacher hissed and let out a threatening chitter at the owl that dared fly above, he was sure they were trying to find the townhome. He narrowed bulging eyes and bared sharp yellowed teeth at the annoying beast. “Shoo! Off with you!” The elf barked at the sky. Waving his arms about needlessly in a dramatic shooing motion even though, due to the protections on the house, the bird couldn’t even see or hear him. The elf hurmphed to himself and placed spindly hands on his hips. Narrowed eyes watching the creature circle a few more times before the owl finally gave up and flew off.

Kreacher had just finally tamed up enough of the back garden space that he felt it safe enough to allow his young master to start learning herbology through practice instead of just through theory. He smiled to himself, spelling the dirt from his fingers. Harrison had been so excited to have his morning lesson now that Kreacher deemed the infesting ickor-toothed gnomes and red caps properly culled. The elf wasn’t even sure how a whole nest of red caps had made it into the Greenhouse and garden, but he had been plenty alarmed at the thought of his sweet little master being carried off by them if Kreacher had been a less vigilant caretaker.

Right as the elf turned to head back into the home he caught the sight of another owl flying by. Snarling under his breath, Kreacher popped back into the house. “Abominant feathered rats! Won’t leave poor Kreacher be in peace!”

The elf decided to pop into Master Orion’s old study where he summoned a quill and a piece of parchment to himself. He would not be having his little master going to school, at least not yet. He was too small and perfect and Reggie’s and Kreacher would not have anyone but himself caring for his little master! He and the portraits could teach little master just fine.

Everyone that had left Kreacher to go to that damned place while that manipulative and magicist, muggle lover, Dumbledore, had been headmaster had either died far too early, been brainwashed and recruited, lost their minds and become muggle lovers themselves, or had a combination of all of these things happening. Kreacher wouldn’t only not allow his Harrison to be exposed to such a manipulative person but he wouldn’t allow any such things to happen to his too young and still vulnerable charge. Light propaganda fouling his little master’s air, being forced to live around filthy mudbloods and blood traitors and weak-willed and minded cretins.

After finishing up the letter for the school, stating that his little master would not be going, Kreacher popped over to the owl rental in Diagon Alley. The elf growled under his breath and attached the letter to a big plain-looking barn owl. He then placed 12 sickles in the collection box in front of its perch and grumpily demanded the creature be quick. Kreacher hated being out in the open away from his house. It made him a bit anxious after so many years of being confined to Grimmauld's place. Kreacher also couldn’t help but worry about being away from his little master, even for a few minutes. He hadn’t been separated from him more than a few minutes since the day that he had brought the child home.

Harrison was his most perfect little master he could ever raise and the thought of anything happening to him gave Kreacher fits some nights…. Not to mention the nightmarish thoughts and dreams that had gone through poor old Kreacher’s mind at the thought of Reggie’s boy being sent off to school away from the house elf. Then Kreacher’s Harry would be served by subpar Mudblood serving, simpering, dull-witted, Hogwarts elves who would make tasteless mass-produced food that could be tampered with by even some of the other human children and wash his clothes in chemical vats among those of filthy bood! The elf curled his lip at the thought, nearly shivering at the thought of his master being covered in other’s filth.

Yes, of course, his young master needed to gain allies and learn to be among humans…. But…. Kreacher wouldn’t allow such a thing until his little master was at least 14. Besides needing to find allies his master didn’t have a betrothed. So Harry would need to find himself a match worthy of him to make the Black family great and expansive again. It saddened Kreacher that there wasn’t anyone left as a possible marriage match for his master in the family, so very unfortunate that his master would have to marry beneath himself. Kreacher wanted him to find someone who would make him happy though. He deserved that at the very least especially as he could be spending 300+ years with whomever he ended up with. Hopefully, they could find him someone who wouldn’t be shameful and at least was somewhat intelligent with an appropriate temperament to match his precious little master.

Of course, Draco Malfoy existed but… Kreacher had met Lucius before and he had been far from impressed with the man…. As he had always been with most Malfoys. they were inferior after all, not shamefully so in blood but their temperments…. Ugh… especially the men were most often arse kissing, melodramatic, underwhelming whimps… Kreacher had seen milk toast with more spine than most of that family, especially the last few generations. Truly, Lord Armond would be rolling in his grave if he had seen what pitiful spoiled things his descendants had become!

Poor Lady Narcissa the Black Madness had most definitely sullied her decision skills in that instance, he was sure Lucius’ slimy simpering didn’t help. Though she too hadn’t had much choice in partner and she could have chosen far worse, but she too could have chosen much better in Kreacher’s opinion. Her match clearly hadn’t been a good one. The Black blood ran thin as water in her son and he hadn’t even taken on the woman’s rare and beautiful snow-white hair or stunning highly metallic white-gold colored eyes.

At least from what the house elf knew of Draco’s looks, that boy was Malfoy through and through. What an unfortunate little thing with that pin-straight hair, paper-white skin, pale gray-blue eyes, and pointy face. The pitiful little thing hadn’t even gotten a single strand of black hair nor a hint of metallic eyes and they were hardly even gray! He was sure with the way Lucius was that the boy would be extremely spoiled and likely a snotty entitled little brat. No, very unlikely even a consolation match for his perfect little master! Kreacher’s Harry would need to find a worthy mate. One that would understand him and that would treat him well and that was loyal and devoted and as dark as the heart of Grimmauld Place. Kreacher knew that there were a few possibly passable matches in the country in the current generation. Though not nearly as many as he had hoped for nor anywhere near what there was only a generation previously.

Still, Kreacher had been careful to keep up with what families had offspring Harrison’s age, more specifically heirs and the most suitable families. His Harry would not be getting some lesser spare fostered off on him! If he was going to have to lower himself to marry into another family with not only the Black blood strong in his veins but also the Perevell he would be married to a future lord and that was final.

There were a few good candidates that Kreacher felt were likely suitable. First was the Nott heir. Who he believed was the same age as his Harry and who should be off to school that year. He was one of the heirs he knew the most about as the Notts had always been strong allies of the House of Black, even if the Nott family kept mostly to itself. Kreacher was also familiar with the Nott family’s head house elf and the child’s nanny elf even though he couldn’t stand other elve’s company much.

The boy’s father had practically nothing to do with the child since his wife had died and when he did he was cruel so the elves did their best to keep him out of sight which wasn’t that hard as from what he had been told the child was quiet, very intelligent(Kreacher would be the judge of that, especially with how stupid the British elf population seemed to have become in the last few generations), and studious…. And possibly a mite bit mad.

Kreacher had heard that the Nott boy was taller than average but thin and dark-haired and grey-eyed. The Nott’s were known for powerful magic, intelligence, studiousness and their strict purity… So that was encouraging to the old elf. Kreacher had a few Lady Notts in the past and he had remembered them being that way. They had also been devoted to family and respectful of him.

There was a less openly spoken of trait that the Notts shared with the Blacks. The Notts also often had some degree of madness. In the last few generations, the Nott family seemed to be inflicted with a less containable quiet madness than the normal hush-hushed Nott version that used to often be able to be hidden to some degree.

Kreacher suspected their madness was more noticeable due to the renewing of Black blood only a few generations beforehand in the main lines of that family. The family, like the Blackd, was also known for being rather sad*stic towards their victims which Kreacher approved of. The family’s enemies usually either were completely wiped out or feared the Notts so much that they fled the country. A cruelty that the elf most definitely admired in a protector of his sweet Harry.

Then there was Graham Montague, who’s family, although wasn’t a sacred 28, much to Kreacher’s displeasure was still from a powerful and very old and pure family. He was unsure what he looked like outside of what to expect, the family’s usual tall very muscular build, blue-eyed and had dark blond or lighter brown hair. Not as comely as Kreacher’s Blacks but not totally unsuitable. Sadly the boy was a spare which was a major negative in Kreacher’s books. The child’s older brother, Hendric, by nearly 10 years was the heir and already betrothed. He would be getting married during Yule. Montagues were one of the few families that allowed a challenge from a spare to the future or current lord if they were siblings though which was the only reason Kreacher even dared contemplate allowing the child a possible chance with his little master.

Adrian Pucey, too, might be a good choice, although a few years older than his master he was of good bloodlines. All Puceys that Kreacher could remember were dark-haired and had dark eyes they often were at least of decent looks to human standards as well and were a rational and respectful darker leaning gray family that hadn't fallen to the old man's influences. From what the old elf could dig up on the boy he had good grades, he was on the Quidditch team as a fairly good Chaser, was a tutor to the first years, and was near the top of his class in both Transfiguration and Astronomy.

Kreacher would have counted the Flint boy as well but the last few generations of Flints had been rather disappointing to the house elf. Snaggle-toothed and dull-witted or lazy though he remembered when the family was known for their great skills in Arithmancy and runes, mostly to do with Ward work and dark protective magics.

Marcus, although captain of the Quidditch team and had decent enough grades to eek by had more than a few marks against him. He also only got good grades in a single class, Arithmancy, in which he consistently had an O in. Everything else was just far enough above an acceptable that he was able to keep his captaincy. It did make Kreacher wonder if the boy was incompetent or if he was like how he remembered Lord Phineas’ wife, Ursula Black nee Flint, to be. Brilliant at runes and capable in other subjects but so entirely uninterested in them that if she hadn’t been forced to learn the basics she wouldn’t have. He remembered the woman to be incredibly razor sharp but only in things she had a great interest in.

Draco was a hard maybe though Kreacher was not fond of his strong Malfoy looks and if his temperament was anything like the average Malfoy he thought it a hard no as his Harrison would chew him up and spit him out in minutes. He was one of the only children he would consider born from direct Black blood though. Kreacher wondered if the boy at the very least had inherited any of the magics or temperament of the Black lines from his mother. Even a sliver of the famed Black madness would have been preferable.

Blaise Zabini was the only other child that Kreacher thought possibly suitable even if he was a born foreigner. He thought the boy possibly even preferable to most of the heirs available. Especially as the child would be comparable to a Duke once he had inherited the Zabini lordship from his mother. The Zabini’s allowed for both women and men to inherit which Kreacher approved of. He felt that a lordship should be given to the best-suited heir instead of just a firstborn son which many families insisted upon. Morgana, Sirius was a great example of an unsuitable heir who would have and had in a way led the family to ruin.

The Zabinis often sent their children to Hogwarts and were akin to a sacred 28 on the mainland. Everyone from the family that Kreacher had known about had been attractive, powerful, and incredibly charismatic with warm-colored dark skin and hair and often had incredibly striking eye colors. The most common being some saturation of a scarlety red or amber though on occasion Kreacher knew of a few that had lavender eyes. He also knew that Amara, the Zabini heir’s mother, was very well known as a black widow but in general, the family was most known for having long-lasting good bonds and were more than known for their suave behavior and boundless possessiveness. The Zabini were like the Blacks, Notts, Flints, and LeStrange didn’t share in the least and would rather kill a potential life partner over anyone else getting the chance to have the person that they decided on as theirs.

Still, Kreacher couldn’t help but to mourn over the lack of one of his most favored families for Harry. If only the LeStrange hadn’t gotten themselves locked up, now that was at least a reasonably good family with good strong looks and magic and temperments, their devotion and worshipful obsessiveness that would suit such a perfect master such as Kreacher’s stunning Harrison! It was so frustrating and depressing to the old elf that there were so few choices for his little master.

Even 20 years beforehand there would have been plenty of choices, much better and appropriate ones…. Though if this had all been going on 20 years ago there would have still been a house full of Blacks to care for Harrison. They would have been making the decisions on who would be betrothed to Harrison and it wouldn’t be a mournful old house elf trying to figure out such important matters. In the past, a few other families that currently had heirs may have been considered, such as the Crabbes and Goyles or a few of the more gray-leaning families. Disappointedly the Crabbes and Goyles weren’t much better than Squibs anymore. Most families that were gray-leaning that day and age still were too receptive to that fool of a headmaster or had lost their minds and had gone soft on the half muds. If they had not gone full mental and supported the mudbloods being allowed to breed with the clean lines all they liked! Just thinking about that had Kreacher feel ready to wretch!

The madness being allowed was one of the reasons that Kreacher refused to allow his master to go to Hogwarts yet. He had agonized over it. His master was a proper heir and a proper Black heir goes to Hogwarts, after all. But Kreacher was scared of what may happen if his little master was left alone without him there to protect him with how horribly students were allowed to treat his precious master Reggie and the rest of the students in Slytherin. Even the half muds and rare mudblood in Master Reggie’s Hogwarts house weren’t helped in any way! Not even the most unfortunate of them, Sev-something. Reggie insisted the… boy.. had all of the best traits of a wizard and was cursed with a muggle fornicating mother who had chosen the most brutish and penniless of muggle beasts. Someone, who by all accounts, should have been championed by Dumbledore with his poor upbringing, foul useless parents, friendship with a mudblood and muddied blood with talent beyond measure in potions. Instead, the man had more than allowed the torment of the student! Dumbledore had even defended the Gryffindors who tormented and attacked the other students and it was a well-known fact that the group was harming others rather often.

Kreacher couldn’t stand the thought of something like that happening to his Harry! Reggie was at least somewhat protected by the family members of the house of Black but there was no one left to champion the little master other than Kreacher and Kreacher didn’t matter much in the grand scheme of Wizards. Master would need to come of an age that an heir could take their lordship. 14 was that age in the situation Harrison was in. A situation where there was no proper magical guardian and when there was no one left in a noble or ancient family or main line. It was in that kind of situation that an heir would be allowed to take a lordship once they turned 14 as long as they had been properly trained.

The filthy traitor was the only one who could do anything against the child taking any lordship claims due to being his Godfather done in the old ways, through blood, and technically being the Black regent as was how it worked in the family with Harrison as the heir and Sirius being the only other in the main lines left alive now that Acturus had finally passed. The only thing the terrible boy could even do to prevent Harrison’s claims at that point was that he could force Harrison to wait until he was of age to take the lordship. If Harrison hadn’t been there to take on the heirship then Sirius would have been able to take on the lordship as the last standing member of the main line of Black but thankfully the heirship had been changed and promised to master Reggie after the traitor fool had disgraced them.

Harrison actually had relatively close blood through his Black grandmother on the Potter side before he had even been blood-adopted with Regulus’ blood. The blood from Sirius during his godfather ceremony had legitimized the filth as a secondary pureblood source. After that Kreacher purged the mud in the child’s blood with his beloved Reggie as it should have always been. That had made Harrison extremely strong in Black blood and the son of Regulus Black and so had first rights to the Lordship. There wasn’t a single person that could contest Kreacher’s master even if they were to all suddenly find out Harrison was once Harry Potter. None of that mattered though as the fool had gotten himself caught and thrown into Azkaban.

After Harrison took his lordship, as long as his Master wasn’t in lessons while at Hogwarts, he would be able to leave to come home when he pleased and the school officials wouldn’t be able to gain any control over him. Kreacher would be able to come with him if he so chose due to ‘lord’ business, as well. Then Kreacher could make sure his little master was safe and cared for properly. Dumbledore wouldn’t be able to push his will on the child by then the elf hoped.

It didn’t matter how much planning and scheming that Kreacher did to keep his master safe in the future though. Not when he might have to drag him out of the house to get a wand. Kreacher didn’t like thinking about that. He remembered the generations of excited little masters and mistresses getting things for Hogwarts for the first time. It was a very big and important event for a young witch or wizard but just knowing that he would need to get little master Harrison a wand had the old elf scratching scabs into his arms and ears.

There of course were wands in the house but none could be Harrison’s perfect wand. Black wands were all particular and just as loyal, obsessive, and possessive as their deceased owners. Most would refuse to even work for another and the ones that would be willing to work were often either reluctant or so uniquely meant for another of the Black family that no matter how much they might want to do well for a new master they just weren’t suitable to do more than the basics without issues. It still hurt Kreacher’s heart that he didn’t have Master Reggie’s wand. He was sure the wand would have accepted his ward quite happily. It may not have been perfect for the boy but it would have still gladly guided its master’s son to the best of its abilities until Harry was old enough to claim his lordship. It was a pipedream though. They didn’t have Reggie’s wand and Harrison would never feel the joy and closeness of his dam’s wand guiding him and keeping him from needing to leave the protections provided by the incredibly well-guarded and protective Grimmauld.

If the elf couldn’t manage to get a private audience Kreacher would have to bring his Harry to a wandshop on appointment before the school year started. He was trying to decide if he would contact and or bring Harry to Olivander’s or Gregorovitch’s. Gregorovich was mostly retired now but still did wand selections and creation by appointment. The man had an office and shop in Austria and had downgraded his shop in Carkitt Market, an alley off of Diagon Alley, to a tidy building with a tiny storefront but a large workshop in the back for custom clients. His apprentices mostly ran that shop now but for a client like a Black heir, the man would be present. It would be an incredible insult otherwise.

The man mostly worked with old pureblood families needing custom wands when at his London shop. Kreacher wondered if, like most Blacks and all Perevells he had ever known of, his Harry would likely need a custom wand. Yes, he was also a Potter but he suspected the need for such a thing with the clear prominence of the ancient Perevell blood and magics showing up so beautifully and powerfully in the young heir. Kreacher was very proud of his Harry who was showing promise with wandless magic, already, even if it was unrefined and mostly fueled by childish intent. It was still very impressive for a Wizarding child and made the elf even more sure that Harry was something special comparable to the wixan of old. There was no way a young wizard like his master could pick up some mass-produced thing and expect it to not burn out even if a wand had a slight chance of accepting him. It was both pleasing and stressful for Kreacher.

There were so many things to think about it was nearly dizzying for poor Kreacher. Wands and cauldrons, fresh potion supplies, cleaning out the greenhouse, Astronomy which was a Black family specialty, making the old dueling chambers beneath the basem*nt safe enough for Harry to practice spells in. Particularly for learning Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and offensive magics. Most charms would be controlled enough that Kreacher felt Grimmauld's place would be able to keep things under control enough that they didn’t have to worry too much about anything getting too dangerous. Kreacher was also working on setting up a proper portrait room. Something that Lord Orion had mostly done away with in his paranoia and had many of the ancestral portraits placed back in other, no longer used, Black homes or hidden away in places only the Black family could find them. He also had to make sure to find his master the perfect spouse which was near impossible in that day and age. All of it together was a tall order for anyone! Kreacher was finding the amount of things he needed to keep track of and get done to be a little overwhelming. The situation was reminding him a bit of how old he really was and how sad it was that he, a house elf, was raising the very last heir to the house of Black.

Kreacher popped back into the study and wrote himself a comprehensive list before getting to work. First, he wrote to both Ollivander and Gregorovitch. He explained the likely need for a custom wand, the need for confidentiality, and hinted at the child’s prestigious affinities. It was all written down on parchment embedded with confidentiality runes to prevent blabbing and keying runes that would only allow the intended recipient to read the missive.

He then wrote to the various shops he would need supplies from for his charge. Much to his distaste Kreacher knew that he would need to go in person to check over the potion’s ingredients but overall, he knew that he would be able to get most things simply by ordering them. He also wrote a letter to a contact he had been using to dig up information on the other Sacred 28 families. He was curious to know how the young heirs heading to Hogwarts that year would be sorted in the following weeks. It was around then that it hit him. Harrison would also need to accept his Heirship rings as well.

The elf groaned to himself, rubbing at wrinkled temples. Harrison may have had the Black ring already, at the insistence of the house and family magics but they would need to go to Gringotts out of formality for the heirship. Also, they would have to have the Potter and any other heirship rings given at that time as well. It was the proper age for the responsibility after all. A coming of age of sorts for the heir of the family. It was traditional for most young Hogwarts going wizards and witches to get their heir rings on their 11th birthday or during their school shopping trip during the summer before 1st year, whatever came sooner….

Kreacher was the devious sort though and remembered that it wasn’t prevented for the heirship rings to be requested to be sent home through the post. The magics on them would prevent a false wearer and would magic them back into their family vault for lockdown and safekeeping if the person that tried wearing them wasn’t the rightful heir. His master would only actually have to go in for the Lordship rings. Most didn’t know that you didn’t actually have to go in to be given the heirship rings as long as the heir was willing to give bloodproof on the threat of excruciatingly painful death. Goblins had iron-clad contracts after all and it was near impossible to deceive them. There was nothing to hide though. Harry was Reggie’s baby as what was how it should have been from the start and James Potter was the child’s sire, the mudblood fornicator's only good deed in his life had been to provide the materials for Kreacher’s sweet master.

Still, even with Kreacher knowing a way around the whole visit to Gringotts the situation was stressful and was going to be more of a hassle than Kreacher would have liked. It already had the old elf twisting his ears and wanting to iron his hands in anxiety over the thought of having to leave the house himself, let alone, possibly having to allow his vulnerable master out after years of the child never being tainted by the outside world and having him protected behind the wards of Grimmauld’s place. The old elf was also worried about how the house would react. It had grown just as attached to little master as old Kreacher had.

The only reason the elf was even fighting his instincts to hide Harrison away forever and refuse to allow the boy away from the home was due to the need of a usable wand. Also, the protections and concealment that claiming the heir rings would afford his charge. Making sure Kreacher’s favored and very last master was safe was paramount. The same thoughts were in play when it came to getting the child a wand so he could learn magic. Kreacher needed to make sure Harrison could both protect himself and grow to become a respected lord in the future.

Kreacher groaned under his breath and wrote a final letter requesting a private audience with the Black accounts manager. He made sure to specify the importance of the meeting and discretion and explained the need for an heirship-claiming test and that the heir would need to set into motion his eventual early lordship, which would also be claiming emancipation. The elf's handwriting was sharp and perfectly precise even after years of lack of practice and with the arthritis stiffening his slender fingers. Kreacher carefully flexed his hands after writing so much and sat back in the big old leather doxie-eaten chair he had found himself migrating to after starting the second letter.

The old elf with a heavy heart and mind contemplated all he had done and all that would need to be done in the future to secure the safety and continuation of the Black Lines and of one of his most favorite masters he had ever had. Poor master Reggie, he would have loved Harry so very much! His Harry would shine like a star! Kreacher had been alive for many generations of Wizards so he could say with certainty the boy was special. But how couldn't he be when his blood held that of the Black's and the reawakened Perevell’s? Why was it only old Kreacher that lived to see such a day?

“Kreacher!” A child’s voice called, tone a little unsure and confused.

Oh! It was that late already? It was time for the young to go to bed! The elf popped from the room, still planning to send the letters once the little master was tucked in.

“Kreacher is here! Old Kreacher has been busy getting things ready for magic lessons.” The elf said, voice deep and croaky like a bullfrog. There was a hint of a genuine smile on his face at the excited sound his human made.

“I wish that I did not have to wait! I think I have gotten quite good at preparing ingredients and should be good enough to start making potions at a school level now. I have also worked on the bubble and glowlight potions you and Grandfather Ophiuchus instructed me in how to do.” Harry babbled, beaming at the elf.

“I can’t wait to finally be able to do school-level potions! Mother liked potions right?” Harry exclaimed, eyes bright as he thought about getting to learn more than theory and finally getting to practice all of the things that he had been learning.

Kreacher barely had to reach up to pat the child on the head fondly. “Yes, Master Reggie loved potions and had a talent for them. Kreacher’s Reggie was good in runes and dark arts to. He had a delicate touch and was able cast such pretty magic.” Kreacher explained wistfully. “He was a powerful and talented wizard, Kreacher’s Reggie was. Like Kreacher’s Harry will be!”

The boy’s cheeks went red in embarrassed pleasure at the elf’s words. “I hope so! I want to learn all the family spells like my dam!” Harry insisted. “Grandfather told me yesterday that I have a rare talent… He said that it is rare for a wizard to be able to do purposeful wandless magic, especially already.”

The boy wrung his hands together. “I want to be able to make everyone proud of me….” The child admitted, “Grimmauld showed me another portrait it thought could help.” The boy explained. His steps nearly bounced as he was led to a beautiful but clearly, ancient vanity with a yellowing cracked porcelain top. The mirror it had was also worn, foggy around the edges and had dark worn pot spots.

The frame surrounding the mirror held a couple of old curled photos. One was of a small thin boy grinning shyly in a snowy scene. His dark curly hair was fluffed around the earmuffs he was wearing and the child was wearing a Slytherin scarf that was too big for his little shoulders and nearly hit the ground despite it being wrapped up in at least half a dozen loops. The quality woolen thing was sitting right underneath his chin and cheeks that still held a bit of puppy fat despite his lean almost frail-looking frame and gave the child an even younger look to him. He was wearing a fine mink cloak over school robes and politely gesturing at someone before a teen girl joined him in the picture looking perfectly put together with her own fur-lined cloak and beautiful pale hair rolling down her shoulders. She was a somewhat cold-looking but stunning beauty.

The much older girl drug a disgruntled-looking boy with her into the frame. All three strongly shared features but the boy the girl brought with her had the dark hair of the other boy and looked even more similar to the younger boy. He was also taller and was already grown to near the tall girl’s mid-chest. He too, was a bit thin, but had far broader shoulders and looked a bit more filled out. His hair was longer too with more wave in his curls. Although the smaller boy was cute and had some handsomeness more prettiness growing in his features the elder-looking boy was the type of handsome that would grow into one rarely seen outside of magical creatures with allure like the incredibly rare male veela or top models. The taller boy crossed his arms and pouted as he stood next to the smaller boy and the girl stood behind both boys with a small smile before giving a polite wave with the youngest before the picture repeated.

The next picture was of the youngest boy but older, likely around 14 or 15, with shorter hair still cuter and prettier than handsome. Though, he looked to be of a respectable height for his age and was more lean muscle than frail and thin looking in the picture. He was holding a large tome in his arms, wearing impeccable robes and sitting proudly over his heart was a Prefect badge. He had a small pleased smile on his face.

“Those were always two of this elf’s favorite pictures of his Master Reggie. Even with that filthy traitor tainting the one Mistress Narcissa took for poor Mistress Lady Walburga. Kreacher’s sweet little master Reggie was so excited to be going to Hogwarts with traitor. He thought that filth would change back to who he once was when they be together again.” The elf let out a pitying sound.

“Kreacher was so proud of his Reggie for going into Slytherin as was much of the family. This elf would have been proud of anywhere he would have ended up even if Lord and Lady Black may have not been pleased…. Or at least as long as he didn’t end up in Gryffindor. The house of fools that allowed themselves to be led around by the nose without a thought for themselves in those empty heads. Reggie was a hat stall, told old Kreacher that the hat had trouble deciding if he went into Ravenclaw of Slytherin. Reggie was always reading, very smart, so this be unsurprising for Kreacher.” The elf said as he unraveled the short thick braid in Harrison’s hair and then picked up a beautiful green bottle.

He poured a bit of the liquid within between his palms then worked oils between his fingers. After that the elf began rubbing it through Harrison’s lower neck length hair, carefully coating each strand before brushing Harry’s hair with a fine-toothed comb and then sectioned his it out into 5 and created 5 loose braids. He spritzed the top of his hair with a nearly translucent pinkish potion before pulling out a loose dark green colored satin hair cap and pulling it over Harry’s head and tucking the braids inside.

“Time for cleaning of teeth and night things little master.” The elf prompted.

Harry tugged at the head covering a bit, pouting when the elderly elf lightly swatted at his hands. “No touching! Kreacher doesn’t want to deal with unruly remnince of Potter curse hair! I’s can’t do that if we don’t have your hair at its best! Potter and Black hair needs special care! It will calm down more once its longer.”

“It gets hot…” Harry mumbled, even as he obeyed the house elf and got up from the stool to head to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

The house elf rolled his bulbous eyes and snapped his fingers. “There now it not be hot. All yous had to do was ask.” The elf huffed, hand on his bony hip. Snorting at the indignant look his little master gave him. “Fa! Such drama!” The elf grumbled, then flicked his fingers at the dresser in the corner. A drawer sprang open at the elf’s wave and then a black nightgown with the Black crest unfolded itself and drifted over to hover in front of the elf. With another snap of his fingers, Harry was dressed in his sleep clothes and diving into the massive 4-post canopy bed.

The elf tugged the heavy comforter over his human, tucking it around him and under his chin and ran a tender hand over his forehead. “It be time for young master’s going to bed. Kreacher already has your water on the bedside table so no whining to this old elf in the middle of the night.”

“Wait!” Harry exclaimed as Kreacher clearly went to leave. He picked at a thread on the bed comforter and rolled it between his fingers. “Could…. Could you tell me something about Mother tonight? I don’t really mind what it is…. I… I’d just like to hear something… new. Please, Kreacher?” The boy pled, big nearly glowing silvery death green eyes big and hopeful.

The elf grumbled under his breath to himself melting for his Harry. His sweet little master who was so much like Kreacher’s Reggie. “Alright alright, Kreacher be telling you about his good master Reggie…” The elf easily gave in. Even as he fussed and his voice came out in a disagreeable growl.

Kreacher shuffled over to an old beat-up chair in the corner of the room and took his time dragging it over to the bed. He made a show of fluffing the old flattened cushion and complained about his aching back as he sat on the chair next to Harrison’s bed. He watched as the child eagerly burrowed in deeper under the covers and peaked up excitedly and expectantly at him. Looking just as small though far more happy and starry-eyed than when the elderly house elf had first met the boy.

“Now, did I ever tell you about how Reggie once charmed a wild Hippogriff so that it allowed him to fly on it? Such news was quite the shock for this poor old Kreacher! Poor Lady and Lord masters seemed to share this elf’s stress and were quite cross with the misadventures that foolish traitor and his mean lying brats had drug your poor dam into!” Harrison’s eyes went wide and excited at the thought of getting to ride a Hippogriff.

“I think… I’d like to ride one to!” Harry said. His eyes slipped closed as he began to imagine soft feathers under his fingers and wind in his hair and big fluffy clouds all around him. He knew that his mother- or would he still be his father? Harry was never sure since Kreacher always referred to him as his dam or mother while a few of the portraits referred to him as his father…. But some of the portraits also referred to him as his mother as well. Mostly the older ones and Uncle Apus had been a natural child bearer and he had referred to himself as a mother and Regulus as one too. He was also from the 1400s though so Harrison wasn’t sure if that made a difference or not. Either way, Regulus had been a decent quidditch player. He had also enjoyed flying for the sake of it. Harry doubted Kreacher would ever let him do something like that when his Kreacher had been too worried to let him outside to try riding the old Cleansweep 4. Even when Harrison promised to only ride it near the ground. He sometimes wondered what it would feel like though, what it would be like to be free in the air like the birds he sometimes got glimpses of.

“Kreacher’s Harry will not even think of ever riding such a beast unless he wishes to give his poor pitiful old elf a heart attack and cause his death!” The elf scolded.

Harry sighed, “Yes Kreacher.” The child couldn’t help but pout a little at the suspicious look the wrinkled old elf was still giving him. “You know I would never do that to you!”

“As you shouldn’t! Kreacher wishes to serve his master until he croaks of old age like is being proper. Kreacher will not be serving a fool who dies of a broken neck because he couldn’t keep his feet on the ground like a reasonable being! You’s shan’t like what Kreacher being doing to you if he finds out you be doing such foolishness! Especially after being taught better by this old elf!”

Harry nodded and agreed with the elf. He loved Kreacher and Grimmauld and the portraits, his family, but Harry still wondered what it would be like sometimes to go outside. What it would be like to fly and to see the trees and plants and things and not be on the other side of the window looking out at the world and instead was in it. It was a splendid dream…. But he only ever wanted to go to the edge of the wards. He thought that was probably a big enough world for him.

The very thought of leaving the absolute safety and care of Kreacher and Grimmauld was paralyzing. He knew there were other people and places but he just couldn’t imagine anywhere but the house and being with anyone more than Kreacher and the portraits and the ghoul in the guest hall on the 3rd floor that he was supposed to leave alone. The only time he had ever known anything else was vague to him and filled him with fear and nightmares on the occasions that he remembered more than the pain and isolation and the painful prickle of thorns if he wasn’t in pain from hits or burned hands. Only bad things had ever happened to him outside of Grimmauld's place and happy and good within.

Harry was pretty sure it was one of the reasons that Kreacher was so protective of him. He hadn’t even been allowed to meet Grandfather Phineas, the former headmaster of Hogwarts and Lord Black until Kreacher was sure he could be trusted with him due to the portrait having another portrait connected to the current headmaster’s office. The only reason that he had even been allowed to meet the portrait was due to the fact that Kreacher had figured out how to prevent the portrait from snitching about the goings-on of a child in Grimmauld just in case. The man was also a Black and Blacks were loyal to family especially, even as portraits. But Kreacher was paranoid levels of protecting, not that Harry could blame him. The world was scary and people were scary and Kreacher and Harry were the last left for each other.

The only reason Phineas had been allowed to meet Harry was due to the fact that he would be useful to the child’s education. Although Phineas had been a terrible headmaster that didn’t actually mean that he wasn’t a talented and accomplished wizard nor was he useless at teaching particularly charms for now and runes once Harry had gotten the basics of what he needed to be allowed to work on other things. Not that the child hadn’t been made to start learning the basics when it came to runes the last year as was customary and expected of a lord to be of the Black family and most definitely of the Potter lines. Even if James was a failure of an heir and lord. Runes were especially important to the Potter and more importantly the Perevell magics.

“Oh yes, before I forget, Grandfather Phineas said that I would be needing my own wand soon and to get school supplies. That’s figured out right? Owl order?” Harrison decided to ask before it slipped his mind. He was excited to start finally learning more than theory. Not that he hadn’t already memorized some spells that he really wanted to try out with a proper wand. He could do a few spells wandlessly already which he had been praised repeatedly for but it was still hard to do actual spells and he found himself exhausted after. Kreacher had also scolded him more than once for trying out more complicated spells than Lumos when he was younger due to it being hard on a developing core, even one as large and responsive as his own.

The elf nodded, “yes, Kreacher has most of his eager young master’s schooling things taken care of already. This elf should have everything here and we should be able to start with proper young wizard lessons in the next week or two. It be depending on when Kreacher can get a wand made for you.” Kreacher explained. “Kreacher must also check the potions ingredients that he be getting for little master.” the elf wrinkled his long pointed beak-like nose and curled his lip, “The kits that be catered to students usually have sub-par ingredients, especially if gotten from the main shop in Diagon alley. They been a disappointment to this elf the last two hundred years or so. Ever since most respectable Potion’s Master Jarvidius Jiggers passed. He would be shamed with how far his sons allowed his ancestral legacy to fall after he passed.”

The elf let out a pitying sign, once again being reminded of all not only his family had lost but many others as well. It felt like the greatness of magic Britian had truly been left to ruin in just a short few generations and Kreacher had seen it not only at the height of its renaissance but its great chasmous fall into obscurity and possibly recoverless disrepair. It was heartwrenching for the old elf.

“At one point Slug & Jiggers was being the only place even pickiest Potion Masters bought ingredients from. Most even felt comfortable getting ingredients flown to them without checking first. Kreacher’s Master Cygnus, he be the second, was an especially picky Potion’s Master and he be the same about it and just be ordering ingredients to be flown to Black Castle. At the time the family was being large enough to use it full time. Kreacher still preferred Grimmauld though. Too many elveses and it was being cold and Kreacher and Castle didn’t get along as well. This elf has been being here since Grimmauld was being built after all and Kreacher thinks it is being more homie feeling compared to big grumpy old castle.” Kreacher said, rolling his eyes a little as he remembered the old place.

He had never been much of a fan even though he had originally been brought to the castle first. Kreacher wasn’t exactly friendly towards other house elves after all and the place had been packed with them. The castle hadn’t liked that about him but it wasn’t Kreacher’s fault that his masters had bought lesser stock and had brought in so many pathetic, simpering, brainless whelps that seemed to not understand what personal space was! Of course, he was territorial the Master and mainline had been his and then suddenly there were doll-eyed fools running about getting too close and being in his space and suddenly thinking that they would start pushing into Kreacher’s place.

“Kreacher is sure that things will be fine with the ingredients since Potions Mistress Vangur still be running the shop Kreacher be getting your ingredients from. She is being very stringent with the quality of her products as any respectable wixan shop owner let alone Potion’s Mistress should be!” Kreacher said. The elf’’s face went dark as he contemplated what had become of wizarding Britain. He could weep at the embarrassment that they had become.

“It be saddening for this old elf to see such respectable establishments being drug down like this. Those disgusting mudbloods and half muds brought with them their scheming knut pinching ways…. thems lack of self respect or care for mother magic have sullied our once esteemed establishments and magical masteries! They have no care for the quality of potions nor respect the most noble arts!” Kreacher huffed.

“Potions masteries are being near non-existant in the British Isles these days when we once had some of the greatest Potion’s Masters to ever live. True Blood Magics Masters and Rune Masters to! All three of these noble professions are nearly extinct here, the basis of so many of the most powerful and ancient of magical arts. It troubles this old elf so that so much magic is being lost and forbidden, even Alchemy is becoming a forgotten art in the young ones since that old fool became headmaster of Hogwarts!” Kreacher spat, running a knarled hand over his human’s forehead to soothe himself.

“It worries this elf for the future. That foul fool is being poisoning the minds of the young. Sullying magic and banning anything he’s not liking. That be why old Kreacher is being protecting his Harry from his influence at home. So he stays safe from what befell so many of our family and other old families….” The elf explained, nearly in tears as he thought about the children just from the last couple of generations.

“Kreacher wishes to protect his Harry from what has happened to the others he couldn’t protect from bad influences. To what happened to gullible Andromeda who tainted herself with a filthy mudblood and cursed her offspring with the filth of being a half mud. Sad thing would have been an admirable member of the House of Black. It be having a house blessing, the first Morphomagus in 5 generations but Andromeda spat on her blood and family, shaming the both of them.” Kreacher lectured, tone sorrowful as he thought about the promising young girl Andromeda had been and the manipulations and pure madness she must have fallen to and that poor child that she had sullied. She had been such a kind girl to old Kreacher and now she was disowned and he would never get to see her again and he would never get to see the child or the family gift that it had been born with. He would have loved to see again. Why had Andramoda done that to herself? Why had she cursed her poor child and made it so Kreacher would never see her again? Not only that the woman had left Harry without a single human Black family member to meet. Narcissa existed but Kreacher would not be having his Harry anywhere near a Deatheater and Lucius was known for being especially cruel and disgusting towards his house elfs which was something that Kreacher didn’t like Harry seeing.

“Kreacher’s poor kind master Reggie was such a good boy….. We didn’t know that the dark Lord would be so bad to Reggie. He was pulled into the dark lord’s cycle after years of being treated as lesser and ignored in school even though he was a good child and a good student. The headmaster let it go on even after the Gryffindors tormented him so! Even his own brother was encouraged and allowed to get away with it! But even pitiful traitor, Sirius, was twisted by that old man. He had been spirited but a good respectable boy when he first went to school, then he was convinced he had to go into Gryffindor or he was being evil. And that Slytherins were bad horrible evil children, it was insanity! Then when that horrible old coot got ahold of that group and brainwashed them into cruel brats awful traitor Sirius began treating us like we all be filth beneath his feet!” Kreacher explained, tone pained and warning. He would never let that horrible old man twist his Harry’s mind like he had been allowed to do with the others.

Harry fidgeted as Kreacher spoke. He finally spoke up once he seemed to be done with his ranting which Harrison felt that he more than deserved to be allowed to do. Poor Kreacher had lost so much and he had explained how no one would have listened to him since he was a house elf. “Grandfather Phineas….. said that the headmaster would have let his favorite gryffindors get away with murder.” Harry admitted to the fuming elf who was still caught up in bad memories.

The elf bared his needle-like teeth into a grim smile, “That doesn’t surprise this elf. The group yous father was in was cruel. Traitor especially liked to humiliate heirs and an especially talented half mud who’s mother cursed him to a wretched abusive life. That child…. became this elf’s greatest shame.”

Harry frowned and decided to change the subject. He didn’t like hearing about his traitor uncle or blood-traitor father much nor how utterly wrecked Kreacher still was over the whole situation. Harry felt like the elf blamed himself far too much for things he couldn’t do anything about.

Harrison swallowed hard before starting to speak. “I think…. grandfather Phineas still believes I’m going to Hogwarts with the way he was muttering about sortings and it starting to become rather last minute to collect my supplies. Especially for a wand….. He’s a bit…. clueless.” The boy mumbled, smiling behind his hand. Managing to pause Kreacher’s ranting and get a nasty smirk and snort from the wrinkled creature. Harry had no interest in going anywhere and Kreacher knew it.

What would that even be like? How could the boy even do so? All he really ever had known was the comfort of Kreacher’s vicious fanatical devotion and Grimmauld’s possessive clinging and obsessive affections. Why would he ever want to go somewhere that would love him equally as much as any other child and that had house elves that wouldn’t rip out the throat of anyone with their bare teeth just for looking at him wrong? The thought of being around such indifference towards him was near terrifying for the little boy.

The only other people that he could remember in his life was bits and pieces of being ignored and hated by the disgusting beastly muggles he had been forced to live with by Dumbledore. Those creatures hadn’t loved him and look at what they had done to him! They had been horrible! No. Harry was perfectly content following what Kreacher decided for him. At least he knew that his sweet Kreacher had his best interests at heart even if he was a bit over the top sometimes.

Suddenly a faint chiming sound could be heard and Kreacher tilted his head, big floppy ears full of wiry white hair shifted as he did so. The elf let out a disconcerted sound and gave the child’s arm a pat. “Ah, it be getting late for little Masters. Kreacher went on longer than he planned. Kreacher still has to send the letters out for some of your supplies and to get wand maker to come visit so the little master can be made his proper wand.”

“This elf is still unsure if Olivander is being suited for the task even though his lines products have always been of great quality even in these sad times. The materials he be using may not be suitable for the Perevell gifts that have been reawaken through your blood.” Kreacher stated, rubbing his chin in thought as he looked his little master over with a critical eye.

“He often be using only 1 of 3 cores these days. Unicorn hair, usually tail hair. Dragon heartstrings or Phoenix feathers, usually from the tail. This elf is certain that you can’t use unicorn hair and although dragon heartstrings aren’t an issue for grey or dark wizards Kreacher be have doubts that they wouldn’t be put off by the Perevell blood. Phoenix are picky and probably won’t like the Perevell blood either, it being so full of strong death magic…. Though they are creatures of rebirth…..” Kreacher hummed to himself in thought.

“It be said that the wand of the legend of the three Perevell brothers may have had a core of Thestral hair or maybe even possibly a piece of Dementor bone. If memory serves the last of the Perevells were said to have an unusual tradition where the children were given 4 items to chose from for a core. A thestral hair. The tooth of a grim. The finger bone of a Dementor and the shrivled heart strings of an anubus. Kreacher isn’t sure if this be true and Kreacher knows that 3 of the 4 items are being very difficult to find. Ollivanders tend to being open minded with these things but Kreacher isn’t sure if Ollivander of this age to be willing to work with such ominous things and Kreacher being knowing that thestral hair be considered to be difficult enough. It being a very difficult and finicky core to be made into a wand even for experienced wandmakers.”

“Kreacher thinks it is being likely why Perevells were considered some of the best wandmakers in the world up until their extinction in the 1100s…. I believe maybe the 1200s? When there were only women left in the lines and many lines had foolishly banned women from inheriting the family lordship around that time. Even if threatened with extinction, though the family magics would have surely accepted a worthy successor man or woman, magic be magic after all.”

“It wasn’t until now that Perevell magics had found someone that they thought worthy, with the right blood and temperment and powerful enough to appear so thoroughly again. It be extremely rare for such a thing to be happening. Kreacher feels blessed to have a master who this happened for….. Anyway, Kreacher be letting little masters be going to bed now. Kreacher has to get some letters out. He be hoping that schooling lessons can be happening about the time that the other children be going to Hogwarts. Now go to sleep little master!”

Harry sat in the dark unable to sleep for a long while after Kreacher popped himself away. He couldn’t help but think about everything that had been unloaded on him that night. The boy turned over, doing his best to be careful of the nightcap he was wearing. Why would anyone want to be with a filthy mudblood? Wasn’t that practically a muggle? And muggles were little better than feral animals! The idea of anyone being with such a beast… well a person with an animal, ugh, gross! Clearly, there was no way that Andromeda would have been with a muggle, a human, if she hadn’t been confunded or brainwashed or something right?

That thought made Harrison worry for his cousin. Was she okay? Had that brute hurt her? What was a half mud even like? Kreacher spoke like he felt bad for it. Was it some horribly deformed amalgamation of a Wixan look-alike beast and Wixan? Could it be more wizard than Mud? Could they have the intelligence of a Wizard but be cursed with the beastly traits of a filthy muggle? Harry found the whole idea to be confounding and a bit sad. What a horrible existence to be both and to be neither. It was cruel Harry decided and possibly a little sick. For who in their right mind would have a child with a Mudblood?

Harrison felt tears welling up in his eyes for his cousin’s child. It must feel like an abomination, that poor thing! It was vague but Harry still remembered that feeling. It never completely went away. The thought of anything that could be related to him, even something like a half mud, feeling anything like he had when he was placed with the beasts broke the boy’s heart.

He would never let that old man influence him in any way if he ever met him. He wasn’t sure why the man was so obsessed with controlling and destroying his family but Dumbledore would surely be mistaken if he thought the Blacks would fall so easily. Harrison was determined to see to it that the Blacks would take their rightful place on top of wizarding United Kingdom back and hopefully he would be able to avenge those that the man had harmed in the process.

End Chapter 3

So here is chapter 3 sorry it is a lot of info dumping and a lot of ranting Kreacher. I kind of let chapters write themselves and somehow this mess which was originally 3800 words before correction ended up turning into this. Don’t ask how I still don’t know. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed. We should be getting into the main story, poor Sirius discovering Harry, in the next chapter or 2! Get ready for a crazy and warped ride in the following chapters!

I finally found a job that is fine for my medical alert dog, You can see him here and yes I like showing him off I think he is very cute! Wendall (@angelboxerboi) • Instagram photos and videos

I am very happy and will be a bit busy from now on. It is part-time up to 30 hrs a week though so nothing nearly as crazy as the other jobs I have had in the past.

I am still open for both writing and Illustration commissions. Here is where you can find a few examples of my illustrative works. Sunflower Studio 🌻 (@1sunflowerstudio) • Instagram photos and videos

Please review I get a lot of my best inspirations and motivation for my stories from all of you!

Also If you just want to chat or whatever I am happy to do so! Here is my link Facebook I’m pretty chatty and happy to talk about stories or help you talk through your own story ideas or whatever or if you just want to chat fandom I am totally for it! 🙂

To be the Black Paramour - Chapter 3 - YazziyousDaydreamer - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.